C# Class AudioData

Inheritance: ScriptableObject
Mostra file Open project: LilTsubaki/Les-fragments-d-Erule Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
channel string
clips List
group UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup
pitchMax float
pitchMin float
priority int
random bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void
GetClip ( ) : AudioClip

Returns an AucioClip, based on whether it is random ou sequential.

OnDestroy ( ) : void

Method Details

Awake() public method

public Awake ( ) : void
return void

GetClip() public method

Returns an AucioClip, based on whether it is random ou sequential.
public GetClip ( ) : AudioClip
return UnityEngine.AudioClip

OnDestroy() public method

public OnDestroy ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

channel public_oe property

The name of the group of sounds.
public string channel
return string

clips public_oe property

The list containing the different AudioClips of the group.
public List clips
return List

group public_oe property

The AudioMixerGroup the AudioClip are controled by.
public AudioMixerGroup,UnityEngine.Audio group
return UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup

pitchMax public_oe property

Maximal pitch used to play the group.
public float pitchMax
return float

pitchMin public_oe property

Minimum pitch used to play the group.
public float pitchMin
return float

priority public_oe property

The priority of the AudioClips.
public int priority
return int

random public_oe property

Are the AudioClips to be played in a random order ? If not, sequentially.
public bool random
return bool