C# (CSharp) ABB.Swum Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AbbreviationExpander Expands abbreviations found within programs to their long forms.
BaseVerbRule The rule to construct SWUM for methods whose names follow the base verb pattern. Base Verb -> V (VP|VM)? (DT|NM)* N?
CheckerRule The rule to construct the SWUM for checker methods.
ConservativeIdSplitter Splits an identifier on non-alphabetic characters and easy camelcase transitions (lowercase to uppercase).
ConstructorRule The rule to construct the SWUM for constructor methods.
ContextBuilder Contains various helper functions to build context objects from SrcML.
DefaultBaseVerbRule This rule assumes that it is the last rule being applied, and is therefore the default rule for methods.
DestructorRule The rule to construct the SWUM for destructor methods.
EmptyNameRule The rule to construct the SWUM for a method with an empty name. This is most likely to occur when the entire name is determined to be preamble, thus leaving no regular name.
EventHandlerRule The rule to construct the SWUM for event handler methods. Specifically, this if for methods whose parameters include event information.
ExternalProcessTagger A part-of-speech tagger
FieldContext Encapsulates the program context relevent to a field.
FieldRule The SWUM creation rule for fields in classes.
FileStemmer Determines the stem for a given word by reading from a file containing precomputed word/stem pairs
IdContext Encapsulates additional program context relevent to an identifier.
IdSplitter Splits an identifier into its constituent words.
LeadingPrepositionRule The rule to construct the SWUM for methods whose names begin with a preposition.
MethodContext Encapsulates the program context relevant to a method declaration.
NonBaseVerbRule The rule to construct the SWUM for methods whose names start with a non-base verb. For now, this rule performs the same processing as BaseVerbRule.
NounPhraseRule The rule to construct the SWUM for a method whose name is a noun phrase.
NullSplitter This is a null implementation of an IdSplitter. It does not split, but simply returns the original word intact.
NullStemmer This is a "null" stemmer. It does not actually do any stemming, but just returns the original word unaltered.
NullTagger This is a null implementation of the abstract Tagger class. All of the methods do nothing; they simply return.
ReactiveRule The rule to construct the SWUM for a reactive method, i.e. one that responds to some external event.
SamuraiIdSplitter Used to split the identifiers in a program into their constituent words.
SpecialCaseRule The rule to construct the SWUM for various special case methods.
Stemmer Determines the stem of a given word.
SwumBuilder Constructs the Software Word Use Model using a defined set of rules.
SwumRule Defines the method for constructing the Software Word Use Model on a program element, provided it meets defined constraints.
Tagger Assigns part-of-speech tags to the words in an identifier.
UnigramMethodRule Base class for unigram-style SWUM rules for methods.
UnigramRule An abstract rule using unigram part-of-speech data and tagging.
UnigramSwumBuilder Constructs Software Word Use Models using unigram-based rules.
UnigramTagger Assigns part-of-speech tags to the word nodes in an identifier. This is done based on unigram part-of-speech data.
WordRecord A structure containing the output from the Ktagger POS tagger for a given word