C# Class SIPSorcery.AppServer.DialPlan.DialPlanSettings

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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
Lookups List
Options SIPSorcery.Entities.SIPDialplanOption
Providers SIPDialplanProvider>.Dictionary
Routes List

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
DialPlanSettings ( List lookups, List routes, SIPDialplanProvider>.Dictionary providers, SIPDialplanOption options ) : System
GetAllowedCountries ( ) : List

Gets a list of allowed country codes that the user has specified in their dialplan options.

GetCNAMs ( ) : string>.Dictionary
GetENUMServers ( ) : List

Gets a list of any ENUM servers the user has specified in their dialplan options. The ENUM servers will be stored in the database as a CRLF separated list of strings.

GetENUMs ( ) : string>.Dictionary
GetExcludedPrefixes ( ) : List

Gets a list of any excluded prefixes the user has specified in their dialplan options. The excluded prefix strings will be stored in the database as a CRLF separated list of strings. Spaces are used in excluded prefixes so they should not be trimmed.

GetSpeedDials ( ) : string>.Dictionary
GetTimezoneOffset ( ) : int

If set retrieves the user's UTC time zone offset for use in the dialplan.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetLookups ( SIPDialPlanLookupTypes lookupType ) : string>.Dictionary

Method Details

DialPlanSettings() public méthode

public DialPlanSettings ( List lookups, List routes, SIPDialplanProvider>.Dictionary providers, SIPDialplanOption options ) : System
lookups List
routes List
providers SIPDialplanProvider>.Dictionary
options SIPSorcery.Entities.SIPDialplanOption
Résultat System

GetAllowedCountries() public méthode

Gets a list of allowed country codes that the user has specified in their dialplan options.
public GetAllowedCountries ( ) : List
Résultat List

GetCNAMs() public méthode

public GetCNAMs ( ) : string>.Dictionary
Résultat string>.Dictionary

GetENUMServers() public méthode

Gets a list of any ENUM servers the user has specified in their dialplan options. The ENUM servers will be stored in the database as a CRLF separated list of strings.
public GetENUMServers ( ) : List
Résultat List

GetENUMs() public méthode

public GetENUMs ( ) : string>.Dictionary
Résultat string>.Dictionary

GetExcludedPrefixes() public méthode

Gets a list of any excluded prefixes the user has specified in their dialplan options. The excluded prefix strings will be stored in the database as a CRLF separated list of strings. Spaces are used in excluded prefixes so they should not be trimmed.
public GetExcludedPrefixes ( ) : List
Résultat List

GetSpeedDials() public méthode

public GetSpeedDials ( ) : string>.Dictionary
Résultat string>.Dictionary

GetTimezoneOffset() public méthode

If set retrieves the user's UTC time zone offset for use in the dialplan.
public GetTimezoneOffset ( ) : int
Résultat int

Property Details

Lookups public_oe property

public List Lookups
Résultat List

Options public_oe property

public SIPDialplanOption,SIPSorcery.Entities Options
Résultat SIPSorcery.Entities.SIPDialplanOption

Providers public_oe property

public Dictionary Providers
Résultat SIPDialplanProvider>.Dictionary

Routes public_oe property

public List Routes
Résultat List