C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.ServerDataServiceContext

Common abstract class for the generated ServerContextInternal class.
Inheritance: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.ServerContextInternal
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Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
OnEnhanceRequest ( HttpWebRequest request ) : void

Handler to add additional headers and properties to the request.

RefreshEntity ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.Database database ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.Database

Refresh the object by requerying for the object and merge changes.

RefreshEntity ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.DatabaseCopy databaseCopy ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.DatabaseCopy

Refresh the object by requerying for the object and merge changes.

RevertChanges ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.Database database ) : void

Revert the changes made to the given object, detach it from the context.

RevertChanges ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.DatabaseCopy databaseCopy ) : void

Revert the changes made to the given object, detach it from the context.

ServerDataServiceContext ( Uri serviceUri ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ServerDataServiceContext class.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
BeforeSendingRequest ( object sender, System.Data.Services.Client.SendingRequestEventArgs e ) : void

Handler that appends the token to every data access context request.

Method Details

OnEnhanceRequest() protected méthode

Handler to add additional headers and properties to the request.
protected OnEnhanceRequest ( HttpWebRequest request ) : void
request System.Net.HttpWebRequest The request to enhance.
Résultat void

RefreshEntity() protected méthode

Refresh the object by requerying for the object and merge changes.
protected RefreshEntity ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.Database database ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.Database
database Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.Database The object to refresh.
Résultat Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.Database

RefreshEntity() protected méthode

Refresh the object by requerying for the object and merge changes.
protected RefreshEntity ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.DatabaseCopy databaseCopy ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.DatabaseCopy
databaseCopy Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.DatabaseCopy The object to refresh.
Résultat Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.DatabaseCopy

RevertChanges() protected méthode

Revert the changes made to the given object, detach it from the context.
protected RevertChanges ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.Database database ) : void
database Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.Database The object that is being operated on.
Résultat void

RevertChanges() protected méthode

Revert the changes made to the given object, detach it from the context.
protected RevertChanges ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.DatabaseCopy databaseCopy ) : void
databaseCopy Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Services.Server.DatabaseCopy The object that is being operated on.
Résultat void

ServerDataServiceContext() protected méthode

Initializes a new instance of the ServerDataServiceContext class.
protected ServerDataServiceContext ( Uri serviceUri ) : System
serviceUri System.Uri The service's base .
Résultat System