C# Class FacebookSharp.Extensions.FacebookExtensions

Afficher le fichier Open project: prabirshrestha/FacebookSharp

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CreateEvent ( this facebook, Event @event, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string

Create a page event using the old rest api.

Create a page event using the old rest api.


CreateEventForPage ( this facebook, string pageId, Event @event, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string

Create event for page.

The access token must be of user not of page.

GetComments ( this facebook, string objectId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : CommentCollection

Gets list of comments for the specified facebook id (album,link,note,photo,post,status message and video).

type of id | returns ----------------|-------------------------------------- Album | The comments made on this album. Link | All of the comments on this link. Note | All of the comments on this note Photo | All of the comments on this photo. Post | All of the comments on this post. Status Message | All of the comments on this message. Video | All of the comments on this video.

GetComments ( this facebook, string objectId, int limit, int offset, string until, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : CommentCollection

Gets list of comments for the specified facebook id (album,link,note,photo,post,status message and video).

type of id | returns ----------------|-------------------------------------- Album | The comments made on this album. Link | All of the comments on this link. Note | All of the comments on this note Photo | All of the comments on this photo. Post | All of the comments on this post. Status Message | All of the comments on this message. Video | All of the comments on this video.

GetEvent ( this facebook, string eventId ) : Event

Gets the specified event.

GetEvent ( this facebook, string eventId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : Event

Gets the specified event.

GetEventAsJson ( this facebook, string eventId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string

Gets the specified event as plain json string.

GetFeeds ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : PostCollection

Get the feeds for the specified facebook id (application ,event, group, page or user).

type of id | returns ------------|------------------- Application| The application's wall. Event | The event's wall. Group | The group's wall. Page | The page's wall. User | The user's wall. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.

GetFeeds ( this facebook, string id, int limit, int offset, string until, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : PostCollection

Get the feeds for the specified facebook id (application ,event, group, page or user).

type of id | returns ------------|------------------- Application| The application's wall. Event | The event's wall. Group | The group's wall. Page | The page's wall. User | The user's wall. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.

GetFeedsAsJson ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string

Get the feeds for the specified facebook id (application ,event, group, page or user).

type of id | returns ------------|------------------------ Application| The application's wall. Event | The event's wall. Group | The group's wall. Page | The page's wall. User | The user's wall. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.

GetMyPages ( this facebook ) : AccountCollection
GetMyPages ( this facebook, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : AccountCollection
GetMyPagesAsJsonString ( this facebook ) : string
GetMyPagesAsJsonString ( this facebook, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string

Get list of pages for the current Facebook User

GetPage ( this facebook, string pageId ) : FacebookSharp.Schemas.Graph.Page

Gets the page with specified id.

GetPage ( this facebook, string pageId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : FacebookSharp.Schemas.Graph.Page

Gets the page with specified id.

GetPageMembers ( this facebook, string pageId ) : BasicUserInfoCollection

Gets the the list of all facebook user who are members of the specified page.

GetPageMembers ( this facebook, string pageId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : BasicUserInfoCollection

Gets the the list of all facebook user who are members of the specified page.

GetPageMembers ( this facebook, string pageId, int limit, int offset, string until, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : BasicUserInfoCollection
GetPost ( this facebook, string postId ) : Post

Gets the post with the specified id.

GetPost ( this facebook, string postId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : Post

Gets the specified post by id.

GetPostAsJson ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string

Gets the specified post by id.

GetPosts ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : PostCollection

Get the posts for the specified facebook id (application, page or user).

type of id | returns ------------|------------------------ Application| The applications's own posts. Page | The page's own posts. User | The user's own posts. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.

GetPosts ( this facebook, string id, int limit, int offset, string until, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : PostCollection

Get the posts for the specified facebook id (application, page or user).

type of id | returns ------------|------------------------ Application| The applications's own posts. Page | The page's own posts. User | The user's own posts. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.

GetPostsAsJson ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string

Get the posts for the specified facebook id (application, page or user).

type of id | returns ------------|------------------------ Application| The applications's own posts. Page | The page's own posts. User | The user's own posts. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.

PostComment ( this facebook, string objectId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string

Writes the given comment on the given post.

PostComment ( this facebook, string objectId, string message ) : string

Writes the given comment on the given post.

UpdateEvent ( this facebook, Event @event, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : bool

Private Methods

Méthode Description
AmIAdminOfPage ( this facebook, string pageId ) : bool
GetEvents ( this facebook, string userId, string eventIds, int startTime, int endTime, RsvpStatus rsvpStatus, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : List
IsAdminOfPage ( this facebook, string userId, string pageId ) : bool
IsAdminOfPage ( this facebook, string userId, string pageId, bool ignoreAccessTokenException ) : bool
UserLikes ( this facebook, string userId, string objectId ) : bool
UserLikes ( this facebook, string userId, string objectIds ) : string[]
UsersLike ( this facebook, string userIds, string objectId ) : string[]

Method Details

CreateEvent() public static méthode

Create a page event using the old rest api. Create a page event using the old rest api.
http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/events.create http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/events.create
public static CreateEvent ( this facebook, Event @event, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string
facebook this ///// The facebook. /////
@event Event
parameters string>.IDictionary ///// The parameters. /////
Résultat string

CreateEventForPage() public static méthode

Create event for page.
The access token must be of user not of page.
public static CreateEventForPage ( this facebook, string pageId, Event @event, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string
facebook this /// The facebook. ///
pageId string /// The page id. ///
@event Event
parameters string>.IDictionary /// The parameters. ///
Résultat string

GetComments() public static méthode

Gets list of comments for the specified facebook id (album,link,note,photo,post,status message and video).
type of id | returns ----------------|-------------------------------------- Album | The comments made on this album. Link | All of the comments on this link. Note | All of the comments on this note Photo | All of the comments on this photo. Post | All of the comments on this post. Status Message | All of the comments on this message. Video | All of the comments on this video.
public static GetComments ( this facebook, string objectId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : CommentCollection
facebook this The facebook.
objectId string Id of the Facebook Graph Object.
parameters string>.IDictionary The parameters.
Résultat CommentCollection

GetComments() public static méthode

Gets list of comments for the specified facebook id (album,link,note,photo,post,status message and video).
type of id | returns ----------------|-------------------------------------- Album | The comments made on this album. Link | All of the comments on this link. Note | All of the comments on this note Photo | All of the comments on this photo. Post | All of the comments on this post. Status Message | All of the comments on this message. Video | All of the comments on this video.
public static GetComments ( this facebook, string objectId, int limit, int offset, string until, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : CommentCollection
facebook this The facebook.
objectId string Id of the Facebook Graph Object.
limit int The limit.
offset int The offset.
until string The until.
parameters string>.IDictionary The parameters.
Résultat CommentCollection

GetEvent() public static méthode

Gets the specified event.
public static GetEvent ( this facebook, string eventId ) : Event
facebook this The facebook.
eventId string The event id.
Résultat Event

GetEvent() public static méthode

Gets the specified event.
public static GetEvent ( this facebook, string eventId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : Event
facebook this The facebook.
eventId string The event id.
parameters string>.IDictionary The parameters.
Résultat Event

GetEventAsJson() public static méthode

Gets the specified event as plain json string.
public static GetEventAsJson ( this facebook, string eventId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string
facebook this The facebook.
eventId string The event id.
parameters string>.IDictionary The parameters.
Résultat string

GetFeeds() public static méthode

Get the feeds for the specified facebook id (application ,event, group, page or user).
type of id | returns ------------|------------------- Application| The application's wall. Event | The event's wall. Group | The group's wall. Page | The page's wall. User | The user's wall. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.
public static GetFeeds ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : PostCollection
facebook this
id string
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat PostCollection

GetFeeds() public static méthode

Get the feeds for the specified facebook id (application ,event, group, page or user).
type of id | returns ------------|------------------- Application| The application's wall. Event | The event's wall. Group | The group's wall. Page | The page's wall. User | The user's wall. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.
public static GetFeeds ( this facebook, string id, int limit, int offset, string until, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : PostCollection
facebook this
id string
limit int
offset int
until string
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat PostCollection

GetFeedsAsJson() public static méthode

Get the feeds for the specified facebook id (application ,event, group, page or user).
type of id | returns ------------|------------------------ Application| The application's wall. Event | The event's wall. Group | The group's wall. Page | The page's wall. User | The user's wall. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.
public static GetFeedsAsJson ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string
facebook this
id string
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat string

GetMyPages() public static méthode

public static GetMyPages ( this facebook ) : AccountCollection
facebook this
Résultat AccountCollection

GetMyPages() public static méthode

public static GetMyPages ( this facebook, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : AccountCollection
facebook this
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat AccountCollection

GetMyPagesAsJsonString() public static méthode

public static GetMyPagesAsJsonString ( this facebook ) : string
facebook this
Résultat string

GetMyPagesAsJsonString() public static méthode

Get list of pages for the current Facebook User
public static GetMyPagesAsJsonString ( this facebook, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string
facebook this
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat string

GetPage() public static méthode

Gets the page with specified id.
public static GetPage ( this facebook, string pageId ) : FacebookSharp.Schemas.Graph.Page
facebook this /// The facebook. ///
pageId string /// The page id. ///
Résultat FacebookSharp.Schemas.Graph.Page

GetPage() public static méthode

Gets the page with specified id.
public static GetPage ( this facebook, string pageId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : FacebookSharp.Schemas.Graph.Page
facebook this /// The facebook. ///
pageId string /// The page id. ///
parameters string>.IDictionary /// The parameters. ///
Résultat FacebookSharp.Schemas.Graph.Page

GetPageMembers() public static méthode

Gets the the list of all facebook user who are members of the specified page.
public static GetPageMembers ( this facebook, string pageId ) : BasicUserInfoCollection
facebook this /// The facebook. ///
pageId string /// The page id. ///
Résultat BasicUserInfoCollection

GetPageMembers() public static méthode

Gets the the list of all facebook user who are members of the specified page.
public static GetPageMembers ( this facebook, string pageId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : BasicUserInfoCollection
facebook this /// The facebook. ///
pageId string /// The page id. ///
parameters string>.IDictionary /// The parameters. ///
Résultat BasicUserInfoCollection

GetPageMembers() public static méthode

public static GetPageMembers ( this facebook, string pageId, int limit, int offset, string until, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : BasicUserInfoCollection
facebook this
pageId string
limit int
offset int
until string
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat BasicUserInfoCollection

GetPost() public static méthode

Gets the post with the specified id.
public static GetPost ( this facebook, string postId ) : Post
facebook this /// The facebook. ///
postId string /// The post id. ///
Résultat Post

GetPost() public static méthode

Gets the specified post by id.
public static GetPost ( this facebook, string postId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : Post
facebook this /// The facebook. ///
postId string /// The id. ///
parameters string>.IDictionary /// The parameters. ///
Résultat Post

GetPostAsJson() public static méthode

Gets the specified post by id.
public static GetPostAsJson ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string
facebook this /// The facebook. ///
id string /// The id. ///
parameters string>.IDictionary /// The parameters. ///
Résultat string

GetPosts() public static méthode

Get the posts for the specified facebook id (application, page or user).
type of id | returns ------------|------------------------ Application| The applications's own posts. Page | The page's own posts. User | The user's own posts. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.
public static GetPosts ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : PostCollection
facebook this
id string
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat PostCollection

GetPosts() public static méthode

Get the posts for the specified facebook id (application, page or user).
type of id | returns ------------|------------------------ Application| The applications's own posts. Page | The page's own posts. User | The user's own posts. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.
public static GetPosts ( this facebook, string id, int limit, int offset, string until, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : PostCollection
facebook this
id string
limit int
offset int
until string
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat PostCollection

GetPostsAsJson() public static méthode

Get the posts for the specified facebook id (application, page or user).
type of id | returns ------------|------------------------ Application| The applications's own posts. Page | The page's own posts. User | The user's own posts. Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts.
public static GetPostsAsJson ( this facebook, string id, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string
facebook this
id string
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat string

PostComment() public static méthode

Writes the given comment on the given post.
public static PostComment ( this facebook, string objectId, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : string
facebook this The facebook.
objectId string Id of the object.
parameters string>.IDictionary The parameters.
Résultat string

PostComment() public static méthode

Writes the given comment on the given post.
public static PostComment ( this facebook, string objectId, string message ) : string
facebook this The facebook.
objectId string Id of the object.
message string Comment Message.
Résultat string

UpdateEvent() public static méthode

public static UpdateEvent ( this facebook, Event @event, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : bool
facebook this
@event Event
parameters string>.IDictionary
Résultat bool