C# Class ServiceStack.Text.RecyclableMemoryStream

MemoryStream implementation that deals with pooling and managing memory streams which use potentially large buffers.
This class works in tandem with the RecylableMemoryStreamManager to supply MemoryStream objects to callers, while avoiding these specific problems: 1. LOH allocations - since all large buffers are pooled, they will never incur a Gen2 GC 2. Memory waste - A standard memory stream doubles its size when it runs out of room. This leads to continual memory growth as each stream approaches the maximum allowed size. 3. Memory copying - Each time a MemoryStream grows, all the bytes are copied into new buffers. This implementation only copies the bytes when GetBuffer is called. 4. Memory fragmentation - By using homogenous buffer sizes, it ensures that blocks of memory can be easily reused. The stream is implemented on top of a series of uniformly-sized blocks. As the stream's length grows, additional blocks are retrieved from the memory manager. It is these blocks that are pooled, not the stream object itself. The biggest wrinkle in this implementation is when GetBuffer() is called. This requires a single contiguous buffer. If only a single block is in use, then that block is returned. If multiple blocks are in use, we retrieve a larger buffer from the memory manager. These large buffers are also pooled, split by size--they are multiples of a chunk size (1 MB by default). Once a large buffer is assigned to the stream the blocks are NEVER again used for this stream. All operations take place on the large buffer. The large buffer can be replaced by a larger buffer from the pool as needed. All blocks and large buffers are maintained in the stream until the stream is disposed (unless AggressiveBufferReturn is enabled in the stream manager).
Inheritance: System.IO.MemoryStream
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
CheckDisposed void
EnsureCapacity void
GetBlockAndRelativeOffset BlockAndOffset
InternalRead int
RecyclableMemoryStream System
ReleaseLargeBuffer void
ToArray byte[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Close ( ) : void

Equivalent to Dispose

GetBuffer ( ) : byte[]

Returns a single buffer containing the contents of the stream. The buffer may be longer than the stream length.

IMPORTANT: Doing a Write() after calling GetBuffer() invalidates the buffer. The old buffer is held onto until Dispose is called, but the next time GetBuffer() is called, a new buffer from the pool will be required.

Read ( byte buffer, int offset, int count ) : int

Reads from the current position into the provided buffer

ReadByte ( ) : int

Reads a single byte from the current position in the stream.

RecyclableMemoryStream ( RecyclableMemoryStreamManager memoryManager ) : System

Allocate a new RecyclableMemoryStream object.

RecyclableMemoryStream ( RecyclableMemoryStreamManager memoryManager, string tag ) : System

Allocate a new RecyclableMemoryStream object

RecyclableMemoryStream ( RecyclableMemoryStreamManager memoryManager, string tag, int requestedSize ) : System

Allocate a new RecyclableMemoryStream object

Seek ( long offset, SeekOrigin loc ) : long

Sets the position to the offset from the seek location

SetLength ( long value ) : void

Sets the length of the stream

ToString ( ) : string

Returns a useful string for debugging. This should not normally be called in actual production code.

Write ( byte buffer, int offset, int count ) : void

Writes the buffer to the stream

WriteByte ( byte value ) : void

Writes a single byte to the current position in the stream.

WriteTo ( Stream stream ) : void

Synchronously writes this stream's bytes to the parameter stream.

Important: This does a synchronous write, which may not be desired in some situations

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Returns the memory used by this stream back to the pool.

This method is not thread safe and it may not be called more than once.

Private Methods

Method Description
CheckDisposed ( ) : void
EnsureCapacity ( int newCapacity ) : void
GetBlockAndRelativeOffset ( int offset ) : BlockAndOffset
InternalRead ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, int fromPosition ) : int
RecyclableMemoryStream ( RecyclableMemoryStreamManager memoryManager, string tag, int requestedSize, byte initialLargeBuffer ) : System

Allocate a new RecyclableMemoryStream object

ReleaseLargeBuffer ( ) : void

Release the large buffer (either stores it for eventual release or returns it immediately).

ToArray ( ) : byte[]

Method Details

Close() public method

Equivalent to Dispose
public Close ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

Returns the memory used by this stream back to the pool.
This method is not thread safe and it may not be called more than once.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool Whether we're disposing (true), or being called by the finalizer (false)
return void

GetBuffer() public method

Returns a single buffer containing the contents of the stream. The buffer may be longer than the stream length.
IMPORTANT: Doing a Write() after calling GetBuffer() invalidates the buffer. The old buffer is held onto until Dispose is called, but the next time GetBuffer() is called, a new buffer from the pool will be required.
Object has been disposed
public GetBuffer ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]

Read() public method

Reads from the current position into the provided buffer
buffer is null offset or count is less than 0 offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count Object has been disposed
public Read ( byte buffer, int offset, int count ) : int
buffer byte Destination buffer
offset int Offset into buffer at which to start placing the read bytes.
count int Number of bytes to read.
return int

ReadByte() public method

Reads a single byte from the current position in the stream.
Object has been disposed
public ReadByte ( ) : int
return int

RecyclableMemoryStream() public method

Allocate a new RecyclableMemoryStream object.
public RecyclableMemoryStream ( RecyclableMemoryStreamManager memoryManager ) : System
memoryManager RecyclableMemoryStreamManager The memory manager
return System

RecyclableMemoryStream() public method

Allocate a new RecyclableMemoryStream object
public RecyclableMemoryStream ( RecyclableMemoryStreamManager memoryManager, string tag ) : System
memoryManager RecyclableMemoryStreamManager The memory manager
tag string A string identifying this stream for logging and debugging purposes
return System

RecyclableMemoryStream() public method

Allocate a new RecyclableMemoryStream object
public RecyclableMemoryStream ( RecyclableMemoryStreamManager memoryManager, string tag, int requestedSize ) : System
memoryManager RecyclableMemoryStreamManager The memory manager
tag string A string identifying this stream for logging and debugging purposes
requestedSize int The initial requested size to prevent future allocations
return System

Seek() public method

Sets the position to the offset from the seek location
Object has been disposed offset is larger than MaxStreamLength Invalid seek origin Attempt to set negative position
public Seek ( long offset, SeekOrigin loc ) : long
offset long How many bytes to move
loc SeekOrigin From where
return long

SetLength() public method

Sets the length of the stream
value is negative or larger than MaxStreamLength Object has been disposed
public SetLength ( long value ) : void
value long
return void

ToString() public method

Returns a useful string for debugging. This should not normally be called in actual production code.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Write() public method

Writes the buffer to the stream
buffer is null offset or count is negative buffer.Length - offset is not less than count Object has been disposed
public Write ( byte buffer, int offset, int count ) : void
buffer byte Source buffer
offset int Start position
count int Number of bytes to write
return void

WriteByte() public method

Writes a single byte to the current position in the stream.
Object has been disposed
public WriteByte ( byte value ) : void
value byte byte value to write
return void

WriteTo() public method

Synchronously writes this stream's bytes to the parameter stream.
Important: This does a synchronous write, which may not be desired in some situations
public WriteTo ( Stream stream ) : void
stream Stream Destination stream
return void