C# Class Protocol.Transport.Messages.MessageSender

Mostrar archivo Open project: Beginner7/Command2

Public Methods

Method Description
ChatMessage ( string from, string message ) : Message
CheckToOpponent ( ) : Message
CheckToYou ( ) : Message
GameDraw ( ) : Message
GameIsReady ( int gameId ) : Message
OpponentAbandonedGame ( ) : Message
OpponentAcceptedPeace ( ) : Message
OpponentDeclinedPeace ( ) : Message
OpponentJoinedGame ( ) : Message
OpponentLostConnection ( ) : Message
OpponentMove ( string from, string to ) : Message
OpponentRequestPeace ( ) : Message
OpponentSurrendered ( ) : Message
Pat ( ) : Message
YouLoose ( ) : Message
YouWin ( ) : Message

Method Details

ChatMessage() public static method

public static ChatMessage ( string from, string message ) : Message
from string
message string
return Message

CheckToOpponent() public static method

public static CheckToOpponent ( ) : Message
return Message

CheckToYou() public static method

public static CheckToYou ( ) : Message
return Message

GameDraw() public static method

public static GameDraw ( ) : Message
return Message

GameIsReady() public static method

public static GameIsReady ( int gameId ) : Message
gameId int
return Message

OpponentAbandonedGame() public static method

public static OpponentAbandonedGame ( ) : Message
return Message

OpponentAcceptedPeace() public static method

public static OpponentAcceptedPeace ( ) : Message
return Message

OpponentDeclinedPeace() public static method

public static OpponentDeclinedPeace ( ) : Message
return Message

OpponentJoinedGame() public static method

public static OpponentJoinedGame ( ) : Message
return Message

OpponentLostConnection() public static method

public static OpponentLostConnection ( ) : Message
return Message

OpponentMove() public static method

public static OpponentMove ( string from, string to ) : Message
from string
to string
return Message

OpponentRequestPeace() public static method

public static OpponentRequestPeace ( ) : Message
return Message

OpponentSurrendered() public static method

public static OpponentSurrendered ( ) : Message
return Message

Pat() public static method

public static Pat ( ) : Message
return Message

YouLoose() public static method

public static YouLoose ( ) : Message
return Message

YouWin() public static method

public static YouWin ( ) : Message
return Message