C# Class NStub.CSharp.ObjectGeneration.Builders.MemberBuilder

Base class for a test method processing class.
Inheritance: IMemberBuilder
Mostrar archivo Open project: Jedzia/NStub

Public Methods

Method Description
Build ( IMemberBuildContext context ) : bool

Builds the specified context.

GetTestName ( IMemberBuildContext context, string originalName ) : string

Determines the name of the test method.

RunPreBuild ( IMemberPreBuildContext context ) : void

Runs before anything else on the test method.

The builders are called one after one, so an integral name resolution happens.

Protected Methods

Method Description
BuildMember ( IMemberBuildContext context ) : bool

Builds the test method member with the specified context.

DetermineTestName ( IMemberSetupContext context, string originalName ) : string

Determines the name of the test method.

The builders are called one after one, so an integral name resolution happens.

MemberBuilder ( IMemberSetupContext context ) : NStub.Core

Initializes a new instance of the MemberBuilder class.

PreBuild ( IMemberPreBuildContext context ) : void

Runs before anything else on the test method.

The builders are called one after one, so an integral name resolution happens.

Method Details

Build() public method

Builds the specified context.
public Build ( IMemberBuildContext context ) : bool
context IMemberBuildContext The build context of the test method member.
return bool

BuildMember() protected abstract method

Builds the test method member with the specified context.
protected abstract BuildMember ( IMemberBuildContext context ) : bool
context IMemberBuildContext The build context of the test method member.
return bool

DetermineTestName() protected method

Determines the name of the test method.
The builders are called one after one, so an integral name resolution happens.
protected DetermineTestName ( IMemberSetupContext context, string originalName ) : string
context IMemberSetupContext The build context of the test method member.
originalName string The initial name of the test method member.
return string

GetTestName() public method

Determines the name of the test method.
public GetTestName ( IMemberBuildContext context, string originalName ) : string
context IMemberBuildContext The build context of the test method member.
originalName string The initial name of the test method member.
return string

MemberBuilder() protected method

Initializes a new instance of the MemberBuilder class.
protected MemberBuilder ( IMemberSetupContext context ) : NStub.Core
context IMemberSetupContext The build context of the test method member.
return NStub.Core

PreBuild() protected method

Runs before anything else on the test method.
The builders are called one after one, so an integral name resolution happens.
protected PreBuild ( IMemberPreBuildContext context ) : void
context IMemberPreBuildContext The build context of the test method member.
return void

RunPreBuild() public method

Runs before anything else on the test method.
The builders are called one after one, so an integral name resolution happens.
public RunPreBuild ( IMemberPreBuildContext context ) : void
context IMemberPreBuildContext The build context of the test method member.
return void