C# Class NAnt.DotNet.Types.ModuleCollection

Inheritance: IList, IEnumerable
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
IEnumerable IEnumerator
IList bool
IList int
IList void
IList void
this NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module
this objectIList.System

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : int

Adds a Module to the end of the collection.

AddRange ( ModuleCollection items ) : void

Adds the items of a ModuleCollection to the end of the collection.

Clear ( ) : void

Removes all items from the collection.

Contains ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : bool

Determines whether a Module is in the collection.

CopyTo ( Array array, int index ) : void

Copies the items of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular index.

GetEnumerator ( ) : ModuleEnumerator

Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.

IndexOf ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : int

Gets the location of a Module in the collection.

If the Module is not currently a member of the collection, -1 is returned.

Insert ( int index, NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : void

Inserts a Module into the collection at the specified index.

ModuleCollection ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.ModuleSet moduleSet ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ModuleCollection for the specified ModuleSet.

Remove ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : void

Removes the specified Module from the collection.

RemoveAt ( int index ) : void

Removes an item at a specific index.

Private Methods

Method Description
IEnumerable ( ) : IEnumerator

Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.

IList ( object value ) : bool

Determines whether a Module is in the collection.

IList ( object value ) : int

Adds a Module to the end of the collection.

IList ( int index, object value ) : void

Inserts a Module into the collection at the specified index.

IList ( object value ) : void

Removes the specified Module from the collection.

this ( int index ) : NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module
this ( int index ) : objectIList.System

Gets or sets the item at the specified index.

Method Details

Add() public method

Adds a Module to the end of the collection.
public Add ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : int
value NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module The to be added to the end of the collection.
return int

AddRange() public method

Adds the items of a ModuleCollection to the end of the collection.
public AddRange ( ModuleCollection items ) : void
items ModuleCollection The to be added to the end of the collection.
return void

Clear() public method

Removes all items from the collection.
public Clear ( ) : void
return void

Contains() public method

Determines whether a Module is in the collection.
public Contains ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : bool
value NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module The to locate in the collection.
return bool

CopyTo() public method

Copies the items of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular index.
public CopyTo ( Array array, int index ) : void
array System.Array The one-dimensional that is the destination of the items copied from the collection. The must have zero-based indexing.
index int The zero-based index in at which copying begins.
return void

GetEnumerator() public method

Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
public GetEnumerator ( ) : ModuleEnumerator
return ModuleEnumerator

IndexOf() public method

Gets the location of a Module in the collection.
If the Module is not currently a member of the collection, -1 is returned.
public IndexOf ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : int
value NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module The object to locate.
return int

Insert() public method

Inserts a Module into the collection at the specified index.
public Insert ( int index, NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : void
index int The zero-based index at which should be inserted.
value NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module The to insert.
return void

ModuleCollection() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ModuleCollection for the specified ModuleSet.
is .
public ModuleCollection ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.ModuleSet moduleSet ) : System
moduleSet NAnt.DotNet.Types.ModuleSet The containing the collection.
return System

Remove() public method

Removes the specified Module from the collection.
public Remove ( NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module value ) : void
value NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module The to remove from the collection.
return void

RemoveAt() public method

Removes an item at a specific index.
The parameter is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the value of the property of the .
public RemoveAt ( int index ) : void
index int The zero-based index of the item to remove.
return void