C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_OXCRPC.TestSuiteBase

Inheritance: Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.TestClassBase
Mostrar archivo Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
authenticationLevel uint
authenticationService uint
objHandle uint
oxcrpcAdapter IMS_OXCRPCAdapter
oxcrpcControlAdapter IMS_OXCRPCSUTControlAdapter
pacxh System.IntPtr
password string
pcbAuxOut uint
pcbOut uint
pcxh System.IntPtr
pcxhInvalid System.IntPtr
picxr ushort
pulTimeStamp uint
response IDeserializable
responseSOHTable List>
returnStatus bool
returnValue uint
returnValueForInvalidCXH uint
rgbAuxOut byte[]
rgbIn byte[]
rgbOut byte[]
rgwBestVersion ushort[]
rgwClientVersion ushort[]
transportIsMAPI bool
unusedInfo uint
userDN string
userName string
userPrivilege ulong

Protected Methods

Method Description
CheckTransport ( ) : void

Check the transport. If the transport is MAPI HTTP, issue the inconclusive status.

HardDeleteMessagesAndSubfolders ( FolderIds folderIndex ) : void

Hard delete messages and subfolders under the specified folder.

TestCleanup ( ) : void

Clean up the test case after running it

TestInitialize ( ) : void

Initializes the test case before running it

Method Details

CheckTransport() protected method

Check the transport. If the transport is MAPI HTTP, issue the inconclusive status.
protected CheckTransport ( ) : void
return void

HardDeleteMessagesAndSubfolders() protected method

Hard delete messages and subfolders under the specified folder.
protected HardDeleteMessagesAndSubfolders ( FolderIds folderIndex ) : void
folderIndex FolderIds The id of folder in which subfolders and messages should be deleted
return void

TestCleanup() protected method

Clean up the test case after running it
protected TestCleanup ( ) : void
return void

TestInitialize() protected method

Initializes the test case before running it
protected TestInitialize ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

authenticationLevel protected_oe property

An unsigned integer indicates the authentication level for creating RPC binding
protected uint authenticationLevel
return uint

authenticationService protected_oe property

An unsigned integer indicates specify authentication services by identifying the security package that provides the service
protected uint authenticationService
return uint

objHandle protected_oe property

A response handle of the ROP commands
protected uint objHandle
return uint

oxcrpcAdapter protected_oe property

The instance of the IMS_OXCRPCAdapter
protected IMS_OXCRPCAdapter oxcrpcAdapter
return IMS_OXCRPCAdapter

oxcrpcControlAdapter protected_oe property

The instance of the IMS_OXCRPCSUTControlAdapter
protected IMS_OXCRPCSUTControlAdapter oxcrpcControlAdapter
return IMS_OXCRPCSUTControlAdapter

pacxh protected_oe property

A Session Context Handle to be used with an AsyncEMSMDB interface.
protected IntPtr,System pacxh
return System.IntPtr

password protected_oe property

Define user password which can be used by client to access SUT.
protected string password
return string

pcbAuxOut protected_oe property

Contains the maximum length of the rgbAuxOut buffer.
protected uint pcbAuxOut
return uint

pcbOut protected_oe property

On input, this parameter contains the maximum size of the rgbOut buffer. On output, this parameter contains the size of ROP response payload, including the size of the RPC_HEADER_EXT header in the rgbOut parameter.
protected uint pcbOut
return uint

pcxh protected_oe property

A Session Context Handle to be used with an EMSMDB interface.
protected IntPtr,System pcxh
return System.IntPtr

pcxhInvalid protected_oe property

An invalid Session Context Handle to be used with an EMSMDB interface.
protected IntPtr,System pcxhInvalid
return System.IntPtr

picxr protected_oe property

A session index value that is associated with the CXH
protected ushort picxr
return ushort

pulTimeStamp protected_oe property

Contains the time stamp in which the new Session Context was created. This parameter and ulIcxrLink are used for linking the Session Context created by EcDoConnectEx method with an existing Session Context.
protected uint pulTimeStamp
return uint

response protected_oe property

The response of the ROP commands
protected IDeserializable response
return IDeserializable

responseSOHTable protected_oe property

A table contains response handle of ROP commands
protected List> responseSOHTable
return List>

returnStatus protected_oe property

Uses this variable to hold the status code of InitializeRPC method
protected bool returnStatus
return bool

returnValue protected_oe property

Uses this variable to hold return value
protected uint returnValue
return uint

returnValueForInvalidCXH protected_oe property

Uses this variable to hold the return value when CXH is invalid
protected uint returnValueForInvalidCXH
return uint

rgbAuxOut protected_oe property

Contains the auxiliary payload buffer
protected byte[] rgbAuxOut
return byte[]

rgbIn protected_oe property

Contains the ROP request payload
protected byte[] rgbIn
return byte[]

rgbOut protected_oe property

Contains the ROP response payload
protected byte[] rgbOut
return byte[]

rgwBestVersion protected_oe property

The minimum client protocol version the server supports
protected ushort[] rgwBestVersion
return ushort[]

rgwClientVersion protected_oe property

A valid value for rgwClientVersion, 0x000c, 0x183e, 0x03e8 is specified in [MS-OXCRPC].
protected ushort[] rgwClientVersion
return ushort[]

transportIsMAPI protected_oe property

A Boolean value indicates whether MAPI HTTP transport is set or not.
protected bool transportIsMAPI
return bool

unusedInfo protected_oe property

An unsigned integer represents value of no-used handle or auxInfo for specified RopCommands.
protected uint unusedInfo
return uint

userDN protected_oe property

User distinguished name (DN)
protected string userDN
return string

userName protected_oe property

Define user name which can be used by client to access SUT.
protected string userName
return string

userPrivilege protected_oe property

Holds the value represents USE_PER_MDB_REPLID_MAPPING flag that control the behavior of the RopLogon
protected ulong userPrivilege
return ulong