C# Class FlatRedBall.Graphics.GenericEffect

Inheritance: IEffectFog, IEffectLights, IEffectMatrices, IDisposable
Mostrar archivo Open project: vchelaru/FlatRedBall

Public Methods

Method Description
BuildEffect ( ) : Effect

Builds the precedence table, determines the effect

Dispose ( ) : void

Destroy this object

EnableDefaultLighting ( ) : void

Needs to be implemented by the IEffectLight child

GenericEffect ( DefaultShaderType type ) : System
GenericEffect ( Effect effectToAssimilate ) : System
GetCurrentTechnique ( bool ShouldSetParameters ) : EffectTechnique

Get the current technique

GetEffect ( bool ShouldSetParameters ) : Effect

Gets the internal effect

GetEffectTechnique ( string TechniqueName, bool ShouldSetParameters ) : EffectTechnique

Returns a technique based on the index provided. Will set the parameters for this effect;

SetCurrentTechnique ( string TechniqueName ) : void

Sets the current technique to the one named.

SetPrecendenceValues ( float basicPrecedence, float dualTexturePrecedence, float environmentPredecence, float skinningPrecedence ) : void
SetTextureAddressModeNoCall ( TextureAddressMode textureAddressMode ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
GenericEffect ( ) : System


Private Methods

Method Description
DetermineEffect ( bool createNewEffect ) : DefaultShaderType

Determine's which of the four shaders this instance will use

DetermineEffect ( bool createNewEffect, Effect effectToTest ) : DefaultShaderType
GetActiveEffect ( ) : Effect
SetAlphaTestEffectParameters ( ) : void
SetBasicEffectParameters ( ) : void

Set the parameters for Basic Shader

SetCommonParameters ( ) : void

Pass common information to the graphics device

SetDualTextureEffectParameters ( ) : void

Sets the parameters for the dual texture effect

SetEffectParameters ( Effect effect ) : void
SetEnvironmentMapEffectParameters ( ) : void

Sets the parameters for the environment map effect

SetSkinningEffectParameters ( ) : void

Sets the parameters for the skinned effect

Method Details

BuildEffect() public method

Builds the precedence table, determines the effect
public BuildEffect ( ) : Effect
return Effect

Dispose() public method

Destroy this object
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

EnableDefaultLighting() public method

Needs to be implemented by the IEffectLight child
public EnableDefaultLighting ( ) : void
return void

GenericEffect() protected method

protected GenericEffect ( ) : System
return System

GenericEffect() public method

public GenericEffect ( DefaultShaderType type ) : System
type DefaultShaderType
return System

GenericEffect() public method

public GenericEffect ( Effect effectToAssimilate ) : System
effectToAssimilate Effect
return System

GetCurrentTechnique() public method

Get the current technique
public GetCurrentTechnique ( bool ShouldSetParameters ) : EffectTechnique
ShouldSetParameters bool Should we set the parameters this call
return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.EffectTechnique

GetEffect() public method

Gets the internal effect
public GetEffect ( bool ShouldSetParameters ) : Effect
ShouldSetParameters bool Should the parameters be set
return Effect

GetEffectTechnique() public method

Returns a technique based on the index provided. Will set the parameters for this effect;
public GetEffectTechnique ( string TechniqueName, bool ShouldSetParameters ) : EffectTechnique
TechniqueName string The index into the Technique List
ShouldSetParameters bool Should we set the parameters
return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.EffectTechnique

SetCurrentTechnique() public method

Sets the current technique to the one named.
public SetCurrentTechnique ( string TechniqueName ) : void
TechniqueName string
return void

SetPrecendenceValues() public method

public SetPrecendenceValues ( float basicPrecedence, float dualTexturePrecedence, float environmentPredecence, float skinningPrecedence ) : void
basicPrecedence float
dualTexturePrecedence float
environmentPredecence float
skinningPrecedence float
return void

SetTextureAddressModeNoCall() public method

public SetTextureAddressModeNoCall ( TextureAddressMode textureAddressMode ) : void
textureAddressMode TextureAddressMode
return void