C# Class Dibware.StoredProcedureFramework.Extensions.TypeExtensions

provides extension methods for the System.Type
Mostrar archivo Open project: dibley1973/StoredProcedureFramework

Public Methods

Method Description
GetGeneGetGenricArgumentCount ( this instance ) : int
GetMappedProperties ( this instance ) : System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[]

Get properties of a type that do not have the 'NotMapped' attribute

ImplementsICollectionInterface ( this instance ) : bool

Gets a value indicating if the instance implementses the ICollection interface.

IsDynamicType ( this instance ) : bool
IsGenericType ( this instance ) : bool
IsGenericTypeWithFirstDynamicTypeArgument ( this instance ) : bool

Method Details

GetGeneGetGenricArgumentCount() public static method

public static GetGeneGetGenricArgumentCount ( this instance ) : int
instance this
return int

GetMappedProperties() public static method

Get properties of a type that do not have the 'NotMapped' attribute
public static GetMappedProperties ( this instance ) : System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[]
instance this Type to examine for properites
return System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[]

ImplementsICollectionInterface() public static method

Gets a value indicating if the instance implementses the ICollection interface.
public static ImplementsICollectionInterface ( this instance ) : bool
instance this The instance.
return bool

IsDynamicType() public static method

public static IsDynamicType ( this instance ) : bool
instance this
return bool

IsGenericType() public static method

public static IsGenericType ( this instance ) : bool
instance this
return bool

IsGenericTypeWithFirstDynamicTypeArgument() public static method

public static IsGenericTypeWithFirstDynamicTypeArgument ( this instance ) : bool
instance this
return bool