C# Class MAVLink.mavlink_terrain_report_t, MissionPlanner

Mostrar archivo Open project: ArduPilot/MissionPlanner Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
current_height Single
lat System.Int32
loaded System.UInt16
lon System.Int32
pending System.UInt16
spacing System.UInt16
terrain_height Single

Property Details

current_height public_oe property

Current vehicle height above lat/lon terrain height (meters)
public Single current_height
return Single

lat public_oe property

Latitude (degrees *10^7)
public Int32,System lat
return System.Int32

loaded public_oe property

Number of 4x4 terrain blocks in memory
public UInt16,System loaded
return System.UInt16

lon public_oe property

Longitude (degrees *10^7)
public Int32,System lon
return System.Int32

pending public_oe property

Number of 4x4 terrain blocks waiting to be received or read from disk
public UInt16,System pending
return System.UInt16

spacing public_oe property

grid spacing (zero if terrain at this location unavailable)
public UInt16,System spacing
return System.UInt16

terrain_height public_oe property

Terrain height in meters AMSL
public Single terrain_height
return Single