C# Class pegasus.eventbus.amqp.QueueListener

Watches a Queue for new messages on a background thread, calling the EnvelopeHandler when new messages arrive.
Datei anzeigen Open project: Berico-Technologies/Event-Bus Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
LOG log4net.ILog

Public Methods

Method Description
QueueListener ( IAmqpMessageBus messageBus, string queueName, bool queueIsDurable, IEnumerable routes, IEnvelopeHandler envelopeHandler ) : System

Start up an new Queue Listener bound on the supplied queue name, with the provided EnvelopeHander dealing with new messages.

StartListening ( ) : void

Begin listening for messages on the Queue.

StopListening ( ) : void

stop listening on the queue, thereby stopping the background thread.

Method Details

QueueListener() public method

Start up an new Queue Listener bound on the supplied queue name, with the provided EnvelopeHander dealing with new messages.
public QueueListener ( IAmqpMessageBus messageBus, string queueName, bool queueIsDurable, IEnumerable routes, IEnvelopeHandler envelopeHandler ) : System
messageBus IAmqpMessageBus /// Message bus. ///
queueName string /// The name of the queue to watch ///
queueIsDurable bool /// Queue is durable. ///
routes IEnumerable /// Routes. ///
envelopeHandler IEnvelopeHandler /// the handler that deals with incoming envelopes ///
return System

StartListening() public method

Begin listening for messages on the Queue.
public StartListening ( ) : void
return void

StopListening() public method

stop listening on the queue, thereby stopping the background thread.
public StopListening ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

LOG protected_oe static_oe property

protected static ILog,log4net LOG
return log4net.ILog