C# Class WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.Extensions.ListViewExtensions

Extension methods and attached properties for the ListView class. source http://winrtxamltoolkit.codeplex.com/
Datei anzeigen Open project: xyzzer/WinRTXamlToolkit

Public Properties

Property Type Description
BindableSelectionHandlerProperty Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty
BindableSelectionProperty Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty
ItemToBringIntoViewProperty Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty

Public Methods

Method Description
GetBindableSelection ( DependencyObject d ) : ObservableCollection

Gets the BindableSelection property. This dependency property indicates the list of selected items that is synchronized with the items selected in the ListView.

GetBindableSelectionHandler ( DependencyObject d ) : ListViewBindableSelectionHandler

Gets the BindableSelectionHandler property. This dependency property indicates BindableSelectionHandler for a ListView - used to manage synchronization of BindableSelection and SelectedItems.

GetItemToBringIntoView ( DependencyObject d ) : object

Gets the ItemToBringIntoView property. This dependency property indicates the item that should be brought into view.

ScrollToBottom ( this listView ) : void

Scrolls a vertical ListView to the bottom.

SetBindableSelection ( DependencyObject d, ObservableCollection value ) : void

Sets the BindableSelection property. This dependency property indicates the list of selected items that is synchronized with the items selected in the ListView.

SetBindableSelectionHandler ( DependencyObject d, ListViewBindableSelectionHandler value ) : void

Sets the BindableSelectionHandler property. This dependency property indicates BindableSelectionHandler for a ListView - used to manage synchronization of BindableSelection and SelectedItems.

SetItemToBringIntoView ( DependencyObject d, object value ) : void

Sets the ItemToBringIntoView property. This dependency property indicates the item that should be brought into view when first set.

Private Methods

Method Description
OnBindableSelectionChanged ( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Handles changes to the BindableSelection property.

OnItemToBringIntoViewChanged ( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Handles changes to the ItemToBringIntoView property.

Method Details

GetBindableSelection() public static method

Gets the BindableSelection property. This dependency property indicates the list of selected items that is synchronized with the items selected in the ListView.
public static GetBindableSelection ( DependencyObject d ) : ObservableCollection
d Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject
return ObservableCollection

GetBindableSelectionHandler() public static method

Gets the BindableSelectionHandler property. This dependency property indicates BindableSelectionHandler for a ListView - used to manage synchronization of BindableSelection and SelectedItems.
public static GetBindableSelectionHandler ( DependencyObject d ) : ListViewBindableSelectionHandler
d Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject
return ListViewBindableSelectionHandler

GetItemToBringIntoView() public static method

Gets the ItemToBringIntoView property. This dependency property indicates the item that should be brought into view.
public static GetItemToBringIntoView ( DependencyObject d ) : object
d Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject
return object

ScrollToBottom() public static method

Scrolls a vertical ListView to the bottom.
public static ScrollToBottom ( this listView ) : void
listView this
return void

SetBindableSelection() public static method

Sets the BindableSelection property. This dependency property indicates the list of selected items that is synchronized with the items selected in the ListView.
public static SetBindableSelection ( DependencyObject d, ObservableCollection value ) : void
d Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject
value ObservableCollection
return void

SetBindableSelectionHandler() public static method

Sets the BindableSelectionHandler property. This dependency property indicates BindableSelectionHandler for a ListView - used to manage synchronization of BindableSelection and SelectedItems.
public static SetBindableSelectionHandler ( DependencyObject d, ListViewBindableSelectionHandler value ) : void
d Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject
value ListViewBindableSelectionHandler
return void

SetItemToBringIntoView() public static method

Sets the ItemToBringIntoView property. This dependency property indicates the item that should be brought into view when first set.
public static SetItemToBringIntoView ( DependencyObject d, object value ) : void
d Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject
value object
return void

Property Details

BindableSelectionHandlerProperty public_oe static_oe property

BindableSelectionHandler Attached Dependency Property
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml BindableSelectionHandlerProperty
return Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty

BindableSelectionProperty public_oe static_oe property

BindableSelection Attached Dependency Property
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml BindableSelectionProperty
return Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty

ItemToBringIntoViewProperty public_oe static_oe property

ItemToBringIntoView Attached Dependency Property
public static DependencyProperty,Windows.UI.Xaml ItemToBringIntoViewProperty
return Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty