C# Class SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FDOTests.FdoScriptureTests

Inheritance: SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FDOTests.ScrInMemoryFdoTestBase
Datei anzeigen Open project: sillsdev/FieldWorks

Public Methods

Method Description
FixtureSetup ( ) : void

Does setup for all the tests

TestSetup ( ) : void

Initialize the FDO cache and open database

This method is called before each test

Protected Methods

Method Description
InsertTestBtFootnote ( IStFootnote footnote, IStTxtPara para, int ws, int ichPos ) : void

Create a footnote reference marker (ref orc)

InsertTestPicture ( IStTxtPara para, int ichPos ) : ICmPicture

Create a picture (no caption set).

Private Methods

Method Description
AdjustAnnotationReferences_FirstIntroPara ( ) : void
AdjustAnnotationReferences_FirstTitlePara ( ) : void
AdjustAnnotationReferences_ParaInArchive ( ) : void
AdjustAnnotationReferences_WithQuote ( ) : void
ChapterVerseBridgeAsStringTest ( ) : void
ChapterVerseBridgeAsStringTest_DifferentBooks ( ) : void
ChapterVerseBridgeAsStringTest_DifferentChapters ( ) : void
ChapterVerseRefAsStringTest ( ) : void
ConvertToStringTests ( ) : void
CreateScrChecksDataSource ( ) : ScrChecksDataSource
CreateScriptureCreatesBookAnnotations ( ) : void
DetermineFootnoteMarkerType_CrossRef ( ) : void
DetermineFootnoteMarkerType_Normal ( ) : void
EnsureBooksChangeEventFires ( ) : void
FindBookByID ( ) : void
FindStyle_Exists ( ) : void
FindStyle_NotExist ( ) : void
GetTextTokens_Chapter0 ( ) : void
GetTextTokens_ChapterStartsAndEndsMidSection ( ) : void
GetTextTokens_DifferentWritingSystem ( ) : void
GetTextTokens_FirstChapter ( ) : void
GetTextTokens_LastChapter ( ) : void
GetTextTokens_WholeBook ( ) : void
InsertNote_AtListBeginEnd ( ) : void
InsertNote_InEmptyList ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_BBCCCVVVRange_BookOutsideORCLocation ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_BBCCCVVVRange_MatchesORCLocation ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_BBCCCVVVRange_VerseOutsideORCLocation ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_BogusReferenceRange_Backwards ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_BogusReferenceRange_MultipleBooks ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_BogusReferenceRange_Unintelligible ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_NormalParaRangeInIntro ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_NormalVerseRange_BookNotSpecified ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_NormalVerseRange_BookSpecifiedOnce ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_NormalVerseRange_BookSpecifiedTwice ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_NormalVerseRange_ChapterNotSpecified ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_Range_DoesNotCoverORCLocation ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_ReferenceRangeInIntro ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_SingleReference_DoesNotMatchORCLocation ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_SingleReference_MatchesORCLocation ( ) : void
ParsePictureLoc_USFMStyleChapterRange ( ) : void
RecordError_Duplicate ( ) : void
RecordError_DuplicateAfterAdjustingReference ( ) : void
RecordError_Duplicate_SameErrorTwiceInVerse ( ) : void
RecordError_ErrorMaxDecreased ( ) : void
RecordError_ErrorMaxIncreased ( ) : void
RecordError_ErrorsAlmostIdentical1 ( ) : void
RecordError_ErrorsAlmostIdentical2 ( ) : void
RecordError_ErrorsIdentical ( ) : void
RecordError_ErrorsWithNoMax ( ) : void
RecordError_NearDuplicate_DifferByCheck ( ) : void
RecordError_NearDuplicate_DifferByCitedText ( ) : void
RecordError_NearDuplicate_DifferByEndRef ( ) : void
RecordError_NearDuplicate_DifferByMessage ( ) : void
RecordError_NearDuplicate_DifferByStartRef ( ) : void
RecordError_NearDuplicate_DifferOnlyByParaHvo ( ) : void
RecordError_ParaContentsToken ( ) : void
RecordError_ParaContentsToken_SecondRun ( ) : void
RecordError_PictureCaptionToken ( ) : void
RunCheck_CorrectedErrorGetsDeleted ( ) : void
RunCheck_ScrCheckRunRecordsWithFixedInconsistency ( ) : void
RunCheck_ScrCheckRunRecordsWithOneBookOneCheck ( ) : void
RunCheck_ScrCheckRunRecordsWithOneBookTwoChecks ( ) : void
SavedVersion_BogusUnownedFootnoteORC ( ) : void
SavedVersion_DateCreated ( ) : void
SavedVersion_TestBtFootnotes ( ) : void
SavedVersion_TestFootnoteOrder ( ) : void
SavedVersion_WithMultipleBooks ( ) : void
SavedVersion_WithOneBookAndAPicture ( ) : void
TestCreateAnnotationResponse ( ) : void
UIBookAbbrev ( ) : void
UIBookName ( ) : void
VerifyEmptyStJournalText ( IStJournalText text ) : void

Verifies that an "empty" journal text has a single empty paragraph with the correct writing system assigned.

VerifyPicture ( ICmPicture pictureOrig, IStTxtPara para, int ich ) : void

Make sure picture exists and is referred to properly in the paragraph contents

VerifyToken ( IEnumerator tokens, string text, string paraStyleName, string charStyleName, BCVRef startRef, BCVRef endRef, bool paragraphStart, TextType textType, string icuLocale, ICmObject obj, int flid ) : void

Verifies the next token in the collection of tokens.

VerifyToken ( IEnumerator tokens, string text, string paraStyleName, string charStyleName, BCVRef scrRef, bool paragraphStart, TextType textType, ICmObject obj ) : void

Verifies the next token in the collection of tokens.

VerifyToken ( IEnumerator tokens, string text, string paraStyleName, string charStyleName, ICmObject obj ) : void

Verifies the next token in the collection of tokens.

Method Details

FixtureSetup() public method

Does setup for all the tests
public FixtureSetup ( ) : void
return void

InsertTestBtFootnote() protected method

Create a footnote reference marker (ref orc)
protected InsertTestBtFootnote ( IStFootnote footnote, IStTxtPara para, int ws, int ichPos ) : void
footnote IStFootnote given footnote
para IStTxtPara paragraph owning the translation to insert footnote marker into
ws int given writing system for the back translation
ichPos int The 0-based character offset into the translation
return void

InsertTestPicture() protected method

Create a picture (no caption set).
protected InsertTestPicture ( IStTxtPara para, int ichPos ) : ICmPicture
para IStTxtPara Paragraph to insert picture into
ichPos int The 0-based character offset into the paragraph
return ICmPicture

TestSetup() public method

Initialize the FDO cache and open database
This method is called before each test
public TestSetup ( ) : void
return void