C# Class DataDictionary.Specification.Paragraph

Inheritance: Generated.Paragraph, IHoldsParagraphs
Datei anzeigen Open project: ERTMSSolutions/ERTMSFormalSpecs Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddModelElement ( IModelElement element ) : void

Adds a model element in this model element

AddTypeSpec ( TypeSpec aTypeSpec ) : void

Adds a type spec to a paragraph

AppendToRequirementSet ( RequirementSet requirementSet ) : bool

Appends this paragraph to the requirement set if it does not belong to it already

BelongsToRequirementSet ( RequirementSet requirementSet ) : bool

Indicates whether this paragraphs belongs to the functionam block whose name is provided as parameter

ChangeType ( acceptor originalType, acceptor targetType ) : void

Changes the type of the paragraph if the paragraph type is the original type

CompareTo ( IModelElement other ) : int
CreateDefault ( ArrayList enclosingCollection, string enclosingId ) : Paragraph

Creates a default element

CreateParagraphSetMetrics ( List paragraphs ) : ParagraphSetMetrics

Creates the stat message according to the list of paragraphs provided

CreateParagraphSetStatus ( List paragraphs ) : string

Creates the status string for a set of paragraphs

CreateParagraphUpdate ( Dictionary dictionary ) : Paragraph

Creates an update for this paragraph in the provided dictionary.

CreateStatusMessage ( ) : string

Creates the status message

Delete ( ) : void

Also removes the req refs to that paragraph

FillCollection ( List retVal ) : void

Fills the collection of paragraphs with this paragraph, and the sub paragraphs

FindEnclosingChapter ( ) : Chapter

Finds the chapter enclosing this paragraph

FindEnclosingSpecification ( ) : Specification

Finds the specification enclosing this paragraph

FindParagraph ( String id, bool create ) : Paragraph

Looks for a specific paragraph

GetFirstOrderSubParagraphs ( ) : List

Provides all one-step-sub-paragraphs of this paragraph.

GetNewSubParagraphId ( bool letter ) : string

The sub paragraphs of this paragraph

GetParagraphs ( List retVal ) : void

Worker for get sub paragraphs

GetSubParagraphs ( ) : List

Provides all sub paragraphs of this paragraph

HasApplicableFirstOrderSubParagraphs ( ) : bool

Tells wheher the paragraph contains at least one first order subparagraph which is Applicable, i.e. an implemented requirement.

HasApplicableSubParagraphs ( ) : bool

Tells wheher the paragraph contains at least one subparagraph in all its descendants which is Applicable, i.e. an implemented requirement.

IsApplicable ( ) : bool
RestructureName ( ) : void

Restructures the name of this paragraph

SetType ( acceptor type ) : void
SubParagraphBelongsToRequirementSet ( RequirementSet requirementSet ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
ConsiderInMetrics ( ) : bool

Indicates that the paragraph should be considered while computing metrics that is, if the paragraph is related to a requirements set with "Applicable" flag set to true

FillApplicableRequirementSets ( HashSet applicableRequirementSets ) : void

Provides the list of applicable requirement sets

GenerateDefaultParagraphID ( ArrayList enclosingCollection ) : string

Generates the ID for a default element.

Method Details

AddModelElement() public method

Adds a model element in this model element
public AddModelElement ( IModelElement element ) : void
element IModelElement
return void

AddTypeSpec() public method

Adds a type spec to a paragraph
public AddTypeSpec ( TypeSpec aTypeSpec ) : void
aTypeSpec TypeSpec The type spec to add
return void

AppendToRequirementSet() public method

Appends this paragraph to the requirement set if it does not belong to it already
public AppendToRequirementSet ( RequirementSet requirementSet ) : bool
requirementSet RequirementSet
return bool

BelongsToRequirementSet() public method

Indicates whether this paragraphs belongs to the functionam block whose name is provided as parameter
public BelongsToRequirementSet ( RequirementSet requirementSet ) : bool
requirementSet RequirementSet
return bool

ChangeType() public method

Changes the type of the paragraph if the paragraph type is the original type
public ChangeType ( acceptor originalType, acceptor targetType ) : void
originalType DataDictionary.Generated.acceptor The type of the paragraph which should be matched
targetType DataDictionary.Generated.acceptor When the originalType is matched, the new type to set
return void

CompareTo() public method

public CompareTo ( IModelElement other ) : int
other IModelElement
return int

CreateDefault() public static method

Creates a default element
public static CreateDefault ( ArrayList enclosingCollection, string enclosingId ) : Paragraph
enclosingCollection System.Collections.ArrayList
enclosingId string
return Paragraph

CreateParagraphSetMetrics() public static method

Creates the stat message according to the list of paragraphs provided
public static CreateParagraphSetMetrics ( List paragraphs ) : ParagraphSetMetrics
paragraphs List
return ParagraphSetMetrics

CreateParagraphSetStatus() public static method

Creates the status string for a set of paragraphs
public static CreateParagraphSetStatus ( List paragraphs ) : string
paragraphs List
return string

CreateParagraphUpdate() public method

Creates an update for this paragraph in the provided dictionary.
public CreateParagraphUpdate ( Dictionary dictionary ) : Paragraph
dictionary Dictionary The dictionary to put the updated paragraph in
return Paragraph

CreateStatusMessage() public method

Creates the status message
public CreateStatusMessage ( ) : string
return string

Delete() public method

Also removes the req refs to that paragraph
public Delete ( ) : void
return void

FillCollection() public method

Fills the collection of paragraphs with this paragraph, and the sub paragraphs
public FillCollection ( List retVal ) : void
retVal List
return void

FindEnclosingChapter() public method

Finds the chapter enclosing this paragraph
public FindEnclosingChapter ( ) : Chapter
return Chapter

FindEnclosingSpecification() public method

Finds the specification enclosing this paragraph
public FindEnclosingSpecification ( ) : Specification
return Specification

FindParagraph() public method

Looks for a specific paragraph
public FindParagraph ( String id, bool create ) : Paragraph
id String The id of the paragraph to find
create bool If true, creates the paragraph tree if needed
return Paragraph

GetFirstOrderSubParagraphs() public method

Provides all one-step-sub-paragraphs of this paragraph.
public GetFirstOrderSubParagraphs ( ) : List
return List

GetNewSubParagraphId() public method

The sub paragraphs of this paragraph
public GetNewSubParagraphId ( bool letter ) : string
letter bool Indicates that the paragraph id should be terminated by a letter
return string

GetParagraphs() public method

Worker for get sub paragraphs
public GetParagraphs ( List retVal ) : void
retVal List
return void

GetSubParagraphs() public method

Provides all sub paragraphs of this paragraph
public GetSubParagraphs ( ) : List
return List

HasApplicableFirstOrderSubParagraphs() public method

Tells wheher the paragraph contains at least one first order subparagraph which is Applicable, i.e. an implemented requirement.
public HasApplicableFirstOrderSubParagraphs ( ) : bool
return bool

HasApplicableSubParagraphs() public method

Tells wheher the paragraph contains at least one subparagraph in all its descendants which is Applicable, i.e. an implemented requirement.
public HasApplicableSubParagraphs ( ) : bool
return bool

IsApplicable() public method

public IsApplicable ( ) : bool
return bool

RestructureName() public method

Restructures the name of this paragraph
public RestructureName ( ) : void
return void

SetType() public method

public SetType ( acceptor type ) : void
type DataDictionary.Generated.acceptor
return void

SubParagraphBelongsToRequirementSet() public method

public SubParagraphBelongsToRequirementSet ( RequirementSet requirementSet ) : bool
requirementSet RequirementSet
return bool