C# Class CqlSharp.CqlBatchTransaction

A batched query. Any commands executed as part of a CqlBatchTransaction will be buffered and executed in a single batch when committed.
Inheritance: System.Data.Common.DbTransaction
Datei anzeigen Open project: reuzel/CqlSharp

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CheckIfPending void
CommitAsyncInternal Task

Public Methods

Method Description
Cancel ( ) : void

Cancels the execution of this batch.

Commit ( ) : void

Commits the database transaction.

CommitAsync ( ) : Task

Commits the database transaction asynchronously.

CommitAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : Task

Commits the database transaction asynchronously.

CqlBatchTransaction ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CqlBatchTransaction class.

CqlBatchTransaction ( CqlConnection connection, CqlBatchType batchType = CqlBatchType.Logged, CqlConsistency consistency = CqlConsistency.One ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CqlBatchTransaction class.

Reset ( ) : void

Resets this transaction. This clears the list of commands that are part of the transaction, and brings the transaction in the same state as if it was newly created

Rollback ( ) : void

Rolls back a transaction from a pending state.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

Private Methods

Method Description
CheckIfPending ( ) : void

Checks wether this transaction is in the pending state

CommitAsyncInternal ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : Task

Performs the actual asynchronous commit operation

Method Details

Cancel() public method

Cancels the execution of this batch.
public Cancel ( ) : void
return void

Commit() public method

Commits the database transaction.
public Commit ( ) : void
return void

CommitAsync() public method

Commits the database transaction asynchronously.
public CommitAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

CommitAsync() public method

Commits the database transaction asynchronously.
public CommitAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : Task
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The cancellation token.
return Task

CqlBatchTransaction() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CqlBatchTransaction class.
public CqlBatchTransaction ( ) : System
return System

CqlBatchTransaction() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CqlBatchTransaction class.
public CqlBatchTransaction ( CqlConnection connection, CqlBatchType batchType = CqlBatchType.Logged, CqlConsistency consistency = CqlConsistency.One ) : System
connection CqlConnection The connection.
batchType CqlBatchType Type of the batch.
consistency CqlConsistency The consistency.
return System

Dispose() protected method

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

Reset() public method

Resets this transaction. This clears the list of commands that are part of the transaction, and brings the transaction in the same state as if it was newly created
public Reset ( ) : void
return void

Rollback() public method

Rolls back a transaction from a pending state.
public Rollback ( ) : void
return void