C# Class Apache.Cassandra.Cassandra.Client

Inheritance: Iface
Datei anzeigen Open project: pchalamet/cassandra-sharp Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
iprot_ Thrift.Protocol.TProtocol
oprot_ Thrift.Protocol.TProtocol
seqid_ int

Public Methods

Method Description
Begin_add ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, CounterColumn column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_atomic_batch_mutate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_batch_mutate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_cluster_name ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_keyspaces ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_partitioner ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_ring ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_schema_versions ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_snitch ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_splits ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_splits_ex ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_token_map ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_describe_version ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_execute_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_execute_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, int itemId, List values, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_execute_prepared_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, int itemId, List values ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_get ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath column_path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_get_count ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_get_indexed_slices ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, ColumnParent column_parent, IndexClause index_clause, SlicePredicate column_predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_get_paged_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string column_family, KeyRange range, byte start_column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_get_range_slices ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, KeyRange range, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_get_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_insert ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, Column column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_login ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, AuthenticationRequest auth_request ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_multiget_count ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_multiget_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_prepare_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_prepare_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_remove ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath column_path, long timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_remove_counter ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_set_cql_version ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string version ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_set_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_system_add_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, CfDef cf_def ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_system_add_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, KsDef ks_def ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_system_drop_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string column_family ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_system_drop_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_system_update_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, CfDef cf_def ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_system_update_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, KsDef ks_def ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_trace_next_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
Begin_truncate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfname ) : IAsyncResult
Client ( TProtocol prot ) : System
Client ( TProtocol iprot, TProtocol oprot ) : System
End_add ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
End_atomic_batch_mutate ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
End_batch_mutate ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
End_describe_cluster_name ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_describe_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : KsDef
End_describe_keyspaces ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
End_describe_partitioner ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_describe_ring ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
End_describe_schema_versions ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List>.Dictionary
End_describe_snitch ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_describe_splits ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
End_describe_splits_ex ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
End_describe_token_map ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string>.Dictionary
End_describe_version ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_execute_cql3_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlResult
End_execute_cql_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlResult
End_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlResult
End_execute_prepared_cql_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlResult
End_get ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ColumnOrSuperColumn
End_get_count ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : int
End_get_indexed_slices ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
End_get_paged_slice ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
End_get_range_slices ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
End_get_slice ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
End_insert ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
End_login ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
End_multiget_count ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : int>.Dictionary
End_multiget_slice ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List>.Dictionary
End_prepare_cql3_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlPreparedResult
End_prepare_cql_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlPreparedResult
End_remove ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
End_remove_counter ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
End_set_cql_version ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
End_set_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
End_system_add_column_family ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_system_add_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_system_drop_column_family ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_system_drop_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_system_update_column_family ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_system_update_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
End_trace_next_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : byte[]
End_truncate ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
add ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, CounterColumn column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void

Increment or decrement a counter.

atomic_batch_mutate ( Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void

Atomically mutate many columns or super columns for many row keys. See also: Mutation. mutation_map maps key to column family to a list of Mutation objects to take place at that scope. *

batch_mutate ( Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void

Mutate many columns or super columns for many row keys. See also: Mutation. mutation_map maps key to column family to a list of Mutation objects to take place at that scope. *

describe_cluster_name ( ) : string

get the cluster name

describe_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : KsDef

describe specified keyspace

describe_keyspaces ( ) : List

list the defined keyspaces in this cluster

describe_partitioner ( ) : string

returns the partitioner used by this cluster

describe_ring ( string keyspace ) : List

get the token ring: a map of ranges to host addresses, represented as a set of TokenRange instead of a map from range to list of endpoints, because you can't use Thrift structs as map keys: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-162 for the same reason, we can't return a set here, even though order is neither important nor predictable.

describe_schema_versions ( ) : List>.Dictionary

for each schema version present in the cluster, returns a list of nodes at that version. hosts that do not respond will be under the key DatabaseDescriptor.INITIAL_VERSION. the cluster is all on the same version if the size of the map is 1.

describe_snitch ( ) : string

returns the snitch used by this cluster

describe_splits ( string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : List

experimental API for hadoop/parallel query support. may change violently and without warning. returns list of token strings such that first subrange is (list[0], list[1]], next is (list[1], list[2]], etc.

describe_splits_ex ( string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : List
describe_token_map ( ) : string>.Dictionary

get the mapping between token->node ip without taking replication into consideration https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-4092

describe_version ( ) : string

get the thrift api version

execute_cql3_query ( byte query, Compression compression, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : CqlResult
execute_cql_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : CqlResult

Executes a CQL (Cassandra Query Language) statement and returns a CqlResult containing the results.

execute_prepared_cql3_query ( int itemId, List values, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : CqlResult
execute_prepared_cql_query ( int itemId, List values ) : CqlResult

Executes a prepared CQL (Cassandra Query Language) statement by passing an id token and a list of variables to bind and returns a CqlResult containing the results.

get ( byte key, ColumnPath column_path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : ColumnOrSuperColumn

Get the Column or SuperColumn at the given column_path. If no value is present, NotFoundException is thrown. (This is the only method that can throw an exception under non-failure conditions.)

get_count ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : int

returns the number of columns matching predicate for a particular key, ColumnFamily and optionally SuperColumn.

get_indexed_slices ( ColumnParent column_parent, IndexClause index_clause, SlicePredicate column_predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List

Returns the subset of columns specified in SlicePredicate for the rows matching the IndexClause @deprecated use get_range_slices instead with range.row_filter specified

get_paged_slice ( string column_family, KeyRange range, byte start_column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List

returns a range of columns, wrapping to the next rows if necessary to collect max_results.

get_range_slices ( ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, KeyRange range, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List

returns a subset of columns for a contiguous range of keys.

get_slice ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List

Get the group of columns contained by column_parent (either a ColumnFamily name or a ColumnFamily/SuperColumn name pair) specified by the given SlicePredicate. If no matching values are found, an empty list is returned.

insert ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, Column column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void

Insert a Column at the given column_parent.column_family and optional column_parent.super_column.

login ( AuthenticationRequest auth_request ) : void
multiget_count ( List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : int>.Dictionary

Perform a get_count in parallel on the given list keys. The return value maps keys to the count found.

multiget_slice ( List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List>.Dictionary

Performs a get_slice for column_parent and predicate for the given keys in parallel.

prepare_cql3_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : CqlPreparedResult
prepare_cql_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : CqlPreparedResult

Prepare a CQL (Cassandra Query Language) statement by compiling and returning - the type of CQL statement - an id token of the compiled CQL stored on the server side. - a count of the discovered bound markers in the statement

recv_add ( ) : void
recv_atomic_batch_mutate ( ) : void
recv_batch_mutate ( ) : void
recv_describe_cluster_name ( ) : string
recv_describe_keyspace ( ) : KsDef
recv_describe_keyspaces ( ) : List
recv_describe_partitioner ( ) : string
recv_describe_ring ( ) : List
recv_describe_schema_versions ( ) : List>.Dictionary
recv_describe_snitch ( ) : string
recv_describe_splits ( ) : List
recv_describe_splits_ex ( ) : List
recv_describe_token_map ( ) : string>.Dictionary
recv_describe_version ( ) : string
recv_execute_cql3_query ( ) : CqlResult
recv_execute_cql_query ( ) : CqlResult
recv_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( ) : CqlResult
recv_execute_prepared_cql_query ( ) : CqlResult
recv_get ( ) : ColumnOrSuperColumn
recv_get_count ( ) : int
recv_get_indexed_slices ( ) : List
recv_get_paged_slice ( ) : List
recv_get_range_slices ( ) : List
recv_get_slice ( ) : List
recv_insert ( ) : void
recv_login ( ) : void
recv_multiget_count ( ) : int>.Dictionary
recv_multiget_slice ( ) : List>.Dictionary
recv_prepare_cql3_query ( ) : CqlPreparedResult
recv_prepare_cql_query ( ) : CqlPreparedResult
recv_remove ( ) : void
recv_remove_counter ( ) : void
recv_set_cql_version ( ) : void
recv_set_keyspace ( ) : void
recv_system_add_column_family ( ) : string
recv_system_add_keyspace ( ) : string
recv_system_drop_column_family ( ) : string
recv_system_drop_keyspace ( ) : string
recv_system_update_column_family ( ) : string
recv_system_update_keyspace ( ) : string
recv_trace_next_query ( ) : byte[]
recv_truncate ( ) : void
remove ( byte key, ColumnPath column_path, long timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void

Remove data from the row specified by key at the granularity specified by column_path, and the given timestamp. Note that all the values in column_path besides column_path.column_family are truly optional: you can remove the entire row by just specifying the ColumnFamily, or you can remove a SuperColumn or a single Column by specifying those levels too.

remove_counter ( byte key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void

Remove a counter at the specified location. Note that counters have limited support for deletes: if you remove a counter, you must wait to issue any following update until the delete has reached all the nodes and all of them have been fully compacted.

send_add ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, CounterColumn column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_add ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, CounterColumn column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_atomic_batch_mutate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_atomic_batch_mutate ( Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_batch_mutate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_batch_mutate ( Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_describe_cluster_name ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_cluster_name ( ) : void
send_describe_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : void
send_describe_keyspaces ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_keyspaces ( ) : void
send_describe_partitioner ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_partitioner ( ) : void
send_describe_ring ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_ring ( string keyspace ) : void
send_describe_schema_versions ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_schema_versions ( ) : void
send_describe_snitch ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_snitch ( ) : void
send_describe_splits ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_splits ( string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : void
send_describe_splits_ex ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_splits_ex ( string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : void
send_describe_token_map ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_token_map ( ) : void
send_describe_version ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
send_describe_version ( ) : void
send_execute_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : IAsyncResult
send_execute_cql3_query ( byte query, Compression compression, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : void
send_execute_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
send_execute_cql_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : void
send_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, int itemId, List values, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : IAsyncResult
send_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( int itemId, List values, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : void
send_execute_prepared_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, int itemId, List values ) : IAsyncResult
send_execute_prepared_cql_query ( int itemId, List values ) : void
send_get ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath column_path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_get ( byte key, ColumnPath column_path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_get_count ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_get_count ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_get_indexed_slices ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, ColumnParent column_parent, IndexClause index_clause, SlicePredicate column_predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_get_indexed_slices ( ColumnParent column_parent, IndexClause index_clause, SlicePredicate column_predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_get_paged_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string column_family, KeyRange range, byte start_column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_get_paged_slice ( string column_family, KeyRange range, byte start_column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_get_range_slices ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, KeyRange range, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_get_range_slices ( ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, KeyRange range, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_get_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_get_slice ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_insert ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, Column column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_insert ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, Column column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_login ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, AuthenticationRequest auth_request ) : IAsyncResult
send_login ( AuthenticationRequest auth_request ) : void
send_multiget_count ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_multiget_count ( List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_multiget_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_multiget_slice ( List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_prepare_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
send_prepare_cql3_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : void
send_prepare_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
send_prepare_cql_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : void
send_remove ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath column_path, long timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_remove ( byte key, ColumnPath column_path, long timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_remove_counter ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
send_remove_counter ( byte key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
send_set_cql_version ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string version ) : IAsyncResult
send_set_cql_version ( string version ) : void
send_set_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
send_set_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : void
send_system_add_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, CfDef cf_def ) : IAsyncResult
send_system_add_column_family ( CfDef cf_def ) : void
send_system_add_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, KsDef ks_def ) : IAsyncResult
send_system_add_keyspace ( KsDef ks_def ) : void
send_system_drop_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string column_family ) : IAsyncResult
send_system_drop_column_family ( string column_family ) : void
send_system_drop_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
send_system_drop_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : void
send_system_update_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, CfDef cf_def ) : IAsyncResult
send_system_update_column_family ( CfDef cf_def ) : void
send_system_update_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, KsDef ks_def ) : IAsyncResult
send_system_update_keyspace ( KsDef ks_def ) : void
send_trace_next_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
send_trace_next_query ( ) : void
send_truncate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfname ) : IAsyncResult
send_truncate ( string cfname ) : void
set_cql_version ( string version ) : void

@deprecated This is now a no-op. Please use the CQL3 specific methods instead.

set_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : void
system_add_column_family ( CfDef cf_def ) : string

adds a column family. returns the new schema id.

system_add_keyspace ( KsDef ks_def ) : string

adds a keyspace and any column families that are part of it. returns the new schema id.

system_drop_column_family ( string column_family ) : string

drops a column family. returns the new schema id.

system_drop_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : string

drops a keyspace and any column families that are part of it. returns the new schema id.

system_update_column_family ( CfDef cf_def ) : string

updates properties of a column family. returns the new schema id.

system_update_keyspace ( KsDef ks_def ) : string

updates properties of a keyspace. returns the new schema id.

trace_next_query ( ) : byte[]

Enables tracing for the next query in this connection and returns the UUID for that trace session The next query will be traced idependently of trace probability and the returned UUID can be used to query the trace keyspace

truncate ( string cfname ) : void

Truncate will mark and entire column family as deleted. From the user's perspective a successful call to truncate will result complete data deletion from cfname. Internally, however, disk space will not be immediatily released, as with all deletes in cassandra, this one only marks the data as deleted. The operation succeeds only if all hosts in the cluster at available and will throw an UnavailableException if some hosts are down.

Method Details

Begin_add() public method

public Begin_add ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, CounterColumn column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
column CounterColumn
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_atomic_batch_mutate() public method

public Begin_atomic_batch_mutate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
mutation_map Dictionary
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_batch_mutate() public method

public Begin_batch_mutate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
mutation_map Dictionary
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_cluster_name() public method

public Begin_describe_cluster_name ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_keyspace() public method

public Begin_describe_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keyspace string
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_keyspaces() public method

public Begin_describe_keyspaces ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_partitioner() public method

public Begin_describe_partitioner ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_ring() public method

public Begin_describe_ring ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keyspace string
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_schema_versions() public method

public Begin_describe_schema_versions ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_snitch() public method

public Begin_describe_snitch ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_splits() public method

public Begin_describe_splits ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cfName string
start_token string
end_token string
keys_per_split int
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_splits_ex() public method

public Begin_describe_splits_ex ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cfName string
start_token string
end_token string
keys_per_split int
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_token_map() public method

public Begin_describe_token_map ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

Begin_describe_version() public method

public Begin_describe_version ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

Begin_execute_cql3_query() public method

public Begin_execute_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
query byte
compression Compression
consistency ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_execute_cql_query() public method

public Begin_execute_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
query byte
compression Compression
return IAsyncResult

Begin_execute_prepared_cql3_query() public method

public Begin_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, int itemId, List values, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
itemId int
values List
consistency ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_execute_prepared_cql_query() public method

public Begin_execute_prepared_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, int itemId, List values ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
itemId int
values List
return IAsyncResult

Begin_get() public method

public Begin_get ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath column_path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_path ColumnPath
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_get_count() public method

public Begin_get_count ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_get_indexed_slices() public method

public Begin_get_indexed_slices ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, ColumnParent column_parent, IndexClause index_clause, SlicePredicate column_predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
column_parent ColumnParent
index_clause IndexClause
column_predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_get_paged_slice() public method

public Begin_get_paged_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string column_family, KeyRange range, byte start_column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
column_family string
range KeyRange
start_column byte
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_get_range_slices() public method

public Begin_get_range_slices ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, KeyRange range, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
range KeyRange
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_get_slice() public method

public Begin_get_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_insert() public method

public Begin_insert ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, Column column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
column Column
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_login() public method

public Begin_login ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, AuthenticationRequest auth_request ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
auth_request AuthenticationRequest
return IAsyncResult

Begin_multiget_count() public method

public Begin_multiget_count ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keys List
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_multiget_slice() public method

public Begin_multiget_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keys List
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_prepare_cql3_query() public method

public Begin_prepare_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
query byte
compression Compression
return IAsyncResult

Begin_prepare_cql_query() public method

public Begin_prepare_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
query byte
compression Compression
return IAsyncResult

Begin_remove() public method

public Begin_remove ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath column_path, long timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_path ColumnPath
timestamp long
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_remove_counter() public method

public Begin_remove_counter ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
path ColumnPath
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

Begin_set_cql_version() public method

public Begin_set_cql_version ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string version ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
version string
return IAsyncResult

Begin_set_keyspace() public method

public Begin_set_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keyspace string
return IAsyncResult

Begin_system_add_column_family() public method

public Begin_system_add_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, CfDef cf_def ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cf_def CfDef
return IAsyncResult

Begin_system_add_keyspace() public method

public Begin_system_add_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, KsDef ks_def ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
ks_def KsDef
return IAsyncResult

Begin_system_drop_column_family() public method

public Begin_system_drop_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string column_family ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
column_family string
return IAsyncResult

Begin_system_drop_keyspace() public method

public Begin_system_drop_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keyspace string
return IAsyncResult

Begin_system_update_column_family() public method

public Begin_system_update_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, CfDef cf_def ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cf_def CfDef
return IAsyncResult

Begin_system_update_keyspace() public method

public Begin_system_update_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, KsDef ks_def ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
ks_def KsDef
return IAsyncResult

Begin_trace_next_query() public method

public Begin_trace_next_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

Begin_truncate() public method

public Begin_truncate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfname ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cfname string
return IAsyncResult

Client() public method

public Client ( TProtocol prot ) : System
prot Thrift.Protocol.TProtocol
return System

Client() public method

public Client ( TProtocol iprot, TProtocol oprot ) : System
iprot Thrift.Protocol.TProtocol
oprot Thrift.Protocol.TProtocol
return System

End_add() public method

public End_add ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

End_atomic_batch_mutate() public method

public End_atomic_batch_mutate ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

End_batch_mutate() public method

public End_batch_mutate ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

End_describe_cluster_name() public method

public End_describe_cluster_name ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_describe_keyspace() public method

public End_describe_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : KsDef
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return KsDef

End_describe_keyspaces() public method

public End_describe_keyspaces ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List

End_describe_partitioner() public method

public End_describe_partitioner ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_describe_ring() public method

public End_describe_ring ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List

End_describe_schema_versions() public method

public End_describe_schema_versions ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List>.Dictionary
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List>.Dictionary

End_describe_snitch() public method

public End_describe_snitch ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_describe_splits() public method

public End_describe_splits ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List

End_describe_splits_ex() public method

public End_describe_splits_ex ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List

End_describe_token_map() public method

public End_describe_token_map ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string>.Dictionary
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string>.Dictionary

End_describe_version() public method

public End_describe_version ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_execute_cql3_query() public method

public End_execute_cql3_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlResult
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return CqlResult

End_execute_cql_query() public method

public End_execute_cql_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlResult
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return CqlResult

End_execute_prepared_cql3_query() public method

public End_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlResult
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return CqlResult

End_execute_prepared_cql_query() public method

public End_execute_prepared_cql_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlResult
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return CqlResult

End_get() public method

public End_get ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ColumnOrSuperColumn
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return ColumnOrSuperColumn

End_get_count() public method

public End_get_count ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : int
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return int

End_get_indexed_slices() public method

public End_get_indexed_slices ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List

End_get_paged_slice() public method

public End_get_paged_slice ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List

End_get_range_slices() public method

public End_get_range_slices ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List

End_get_slice() public method

public End_get_slice ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List

End_insert() public method

public End_insert ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

End_login() public method

public End_login ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

End_multiget_count() public method

public End_multiget_count ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : int>.Dictionary
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return int>.Dictionary

End_multiget_slice() public method

public End_multiget_slice ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : List>.Dictionary
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return List>.Dictionary

End_prepare_cql3_query() public method

public End_prepare_cql3_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlPreparedResult
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return CqlPreparedResult

End_prepare_cql_query() public method

public End_prepare_cql_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CqlPreparedResult
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return CqlPreparedResult

End_remove() public method

public End_remove ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

End_remove_counter() public method

public End_remove_counter ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

End_set_cql_version() public method

public End_set_cql_version ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

End_set_keyspace() public method

public End_set_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

End_system_add_column_family() public method

public End_system_add_column_family ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_system_add_keyspace() public method

public End_system_add_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_system_drop_column_family() public method

public End_system_drop_column_family ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_system_drop_keyspace() public method

public End_system_drop_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_system_update_column_family() public method

public End_system_update_column_family ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_system_update_keyspace() public method

public End_system_update_keyspace ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : string
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return string

End_trace_next_query() public method

public End_trace_next_query ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : byte[]
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return byte[]

End_truncate() public method

public End_truncate ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult IAsyncResult
return void

add() public method

Increment or decrement a counter.
public add ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, CounterColumn column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
column CounterColumn
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

atomic_batch_mutate() public method

Atomically mutate many columns or super columns for many row keys. See also: Mutation. mutation_map maps key to column family to a list of Mutation objects to take place at that scope. *
public atomic_batch_mutate ( Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
mutation_map Dictionary
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

batch_mutate() public method

Mutate many columns or super columns for many row keys. See also: Mutation. mutation_map maps key to column family to a list of Mutation objects to take place at that scope. *
public batch_mutate ( Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
mutation_map Dictionary
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

describe_cluster_name() public method

get the cluster name
public describe_cluster_name ( ) : string
return string

describe_keyspace() public method

describe specified keyspace
public describe_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : KsDef
keyspace string
return KsDef

describe_keyspaces() public method

list the defined keyspaces in this cluster
public describe_keyspaces ( ) : List
return List

describe_partitioner() public method

returns the partitioner used by this cluster
public describe_partitioner ( ) : string
return string

describe_ring() public method

get the token ring: a map of ranges to host addresses, represented as a set of TokenRange instead of a map from range to list of endpoints, because you can't use Thrift structs as map keys: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-162 for the same reason, we can't return a set here, even though order is neither important nor predictable.
public describe_ring ( string keyspace ) : List
keyspace string
return List

describe_schema_versions() public method

for each schema version present in the cluster, returns a list of nodes at that version. hosts that do not respond will be under the key DatabaseDescriptor.INITIAL_VERSION. the cluster is all on the same version if the size of the map is 1.
public describe_schema_versions ( ) : List>.Dictionary
return List>.Dictionary

describe_snitch() public method

returns the snitch used by this cluster
public describe_snitch ( ) : string
return string

describe_splits() public method

experimental API for hadoop/parallel query support. may change violently and without warning. returns list of token strings such that first subrange is (list[0], list[1]], next is (list[1], list[2]], etc.
public describe_splits ( string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : List
cfName string
start_token string
end_token string
keys_per_split int
return List

describe_splits_ex() public method

public describe_splits_ex ( string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : List
cfName string
start_token string
end_token string
keys_per_split int
return List

describe_token_map() public method

get the mapping between token->node ip without taking replication into consideration https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-4092
public describe_token_map ( ) : string>.Dictionary
return string>.Dictionary

describe_version() public method

get the thrift api version
public describe_version ( ) : string
return string

execute_cql3_query() public method

public execute_cql3_query ( byte query, Compression compression, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : CqlResult
query byte
compression Compression
consistency ConsistencyLevel
return CqlResult

execute_cql_query() public method

Executes a CQL (Cassandra Query Language) statement and returns a CqlResult containing the results.
public execute_cql_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : CqlResult
query byte
compression Compression
return CqlResult

execute_prepared_cql3_query() public method

public execute_prepared_cql3_query ( int itemId, List values, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : CqlResult
itemId int
values List
consistency ConsistencyLevel
return CqlResult

execute_prepared_cql_query() public method

Executes a prepared CQL (Cassandra Query Language) statement by passing an id token and a list of variables to bind and returns a CqlResult containing the results.
public execute_prepared_cql_query ( int itemId, List values ) : CqlResult
itemId int
values List
return CqlResult

get() public method

Get the Column or SuperColumn at the given column_path. If no value is present, NotFoundException is thrown. (This is the only method that can throw an exception under non-failure conditions.)
public get ( byte key, ColumnPath column_path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : ColumnOrSuperColumn
key byte
column_path ColumnPath
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return ColumnOrSuperColumn

get_count() public method

returns the number of columns matching predicate for a particular key, ColumnFamily and optionally SuperColumn.
public get_count ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : int
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return int

get_indexed_slices() public method

Returns the subset of columns specified in SlicePredicate for the rows matching the IndexClause @deprecated use get_range_slices instead with range.row_filter specified
public get_indexed_slices ( ColumnParent column_parent, IndexClause index_clause, SlicePredicate column_predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List
column_parent ColumnParent
index_clause IndexClause
column_predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return List

get_paged_slice() public method

returns a range of columns, wrapping to the next rows if necessary to collect max_results.
public get_paged_slice ( string column_family, KeyRange range, byte start_column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List
column_family string
range KeyRange
start_column byte
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return List

get_range_slices() public method

returns a subset of columns for a contiguous range of keys.
public get_range_slices ( ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, KeyRange range, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
range KeyRange
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return List

get_slice() public method

Get the group of columns contained by column_parent (either a ColumnFamily name or a ColumnFamily/SuperColumn name pair) specified by the given SlicePredicate. If no matching values are found, an empty list is returned.
public get_slice ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return List

insert() public method

Insert a Column at the given column_parent.column_family and optional column_parent.super_column.
public insert ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, Column column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
column Column
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

login() public method

public login ( AuthenticationRequest auth_request ) : void
auth_request AuthenticationRequest
return void

multiget_count() public method

Perform a get_count in parallel on the given list keys. The return value maps keys to the count found.
public multiget_count ( List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : int>.Dictionary
keys List
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return int>.Dictionary

multiget_slice() public method

Performs a get_slice for column_parent and predicate for the given keys in parallel.
public multiget_slice ( List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : List>.Dictionary
keys List
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return List>.Dictionary

prepare_cql3_query() public method

public prepare_cql3_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : CqlPreparedResult
query byte
compression Compression
return CqlPreparedResult

prepare_cql_query() public method

Prepare a CQL (Cassandra Query Language) statement by compiling and returning - the type of CQL statement - an id token of the compiled CQL stored on the server side. - a count of the discovered bound markers in the statement
public prepare_cql_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : CqlPreparedResult
query byte
compression Compression
return CqlPreparedResult

recv_add() public method

public recv_add ( ) : void
return void

recv_atomic_batch_mutate() public method

public recv_atomic_batch_mutate ( ) : void
return void

recv_batch_mutate() public method

public recv_batch_mutate ( ) : void
return void

recv_describe_cluster_name() public method

public recv_describe_cluster_name ( ) : string
return string

recv_describe_keyspace() public method

public recv_describe_keyspace ( ) : KsDef
return KsDef

recv_describe_keyspaces() public method

public recv_describe_keyspaces ( ) : List
return List

recv_describe_partitioner() public method

public recv_describe_partitioner ( ) : string
return string

recv_describe_ring() public method

public recv_describe_ring ( ) : List
return List

recv_describe_schema_versions() public method

public recv_describe_schema_versions ( ) : List>.Dictionary
return List>.Dictionary

recv_describe_snitch() public method

public recv_describe_snitch ( ) : string
return string

recv_describe_splits() public method

public recv_describe_splits ( ) : List
return List

recv_describe_splits_ex() public method

public recv_describe_splits_ex ( ) : List
return List

recv_describe_token_map() public method

public recv_describe_token_map ( ) : string>.Dictionary
return string>.Dictionary

recv_describe_version() public method

public recv_describe_version ( ) : string
return string

recv_execute_cql3_query() public method

public recv_execute_cql3_query ( ) : CqlResult
return CqlResult

recv_execute_cql_query() public method

public recv_execute_cql_query ( ) : CqlResult
return CqlResult

recv_execute_prepared_cql3_query() public method

public recv_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( ) : CqlResult
return CqlResult

recv_execute_prepared_cql_query() public method

public recv_execute_prepared_cql_query ( ) : CqlResult
return CqlResult

recv_get() public method

public recv_get ( ) : ColumnOrSuperColumn
return ColumnOrSuperColumn

recv_get_count() public method

public recv_get_count ( ) : int
return int

recv_get_indexed_slices() public method

public recv_get_indexed_slices ( ) : List
return List

recv_get_paged_slice() public method

public recv_get_paged_slice ( ) : List
return List

recv_get_range_slices() public method

public recv_get_range_slices ( ) : List
return List

recv_get_slice() public method

public recv_get_slice ( ) : List
return List

recv_insert() public method

public recv_insert ( ) : void
return void

recv_login() public method

public recv_login ( ) : void
return void

recv_multiget_count() public method

public recv_multiget_count ( ) : int>.Dictionary
return int>.Dictionary

recv_multiget_slice() public method

public recv_multiget_slice ( ) : List>.Dictionary
return List>.Dictionary

recv_prepare_cql3_query() public method

public recv_prepare_cql3_query ( ) : CqlPreparedResult
return CqlPreparedResult

recv_prepare_cql_query() public method

public recv_prepare_cql_query ( ) : CqlPreparedResult
return CqlPreparedResult

recv_remove() public method

public recv_remove ( ) : void
return void

recv_remove_counter() public method

public recv_remove_counter ( ) : void
return void

recv_set_cql_version() public method

public recv_set_cql_version ( ) : void
return void

recv_set_keyspace() public method

public recv_set_keyspace ( ) : void
return void

recv_system_add_column_family() public method

public recv_system_add_column_family ( ) : string
return string

recv_system_add_keyspace() public method

public recv_system_add_keyspace ( ) : string
return string

recv_system_drop_column_family() public method

public recv_system_drop_column_family ( ) : string
return string

recv_system_drop_keyspace() public method

public recv_system_drop_keyspace ( ) : string
return string

recv_system_update_column_family() public method

public recv_system_update_column_family ( ) : string
return string

recv_system_update_keyspace() public method

public recv_system_update_keyspace ( ) : string
return string

recv_trace_next_query() public method

public recv_trace_next_query ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]

recv_truncate() public method

public recv_truncate ( ) : void
return void

remove() public method

Remove data from the row specified by key at the granularity specified by column_path, and the given timestamp. Note that all the values in column_path besides column_path.column_family are truly optional: you can remove the entire row by just specifying the ColumnFamily, or you can remove a SuperColumn or a single Column by specifying those levels too.
public remove ( byte key, ColumnPath column_path, long timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
column_path ColumnPath
timestamp long
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

remove_counter() public method

Remove a counter at the specified location. Note that counters have limited support for deletes: if you remove a counter, you must wait to issue any following update until the delete has reached all the nodes and all of them have been fully compacted.
public remove_counter ( byte key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
path ColumnPath
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_add() public method

public send_add ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, CounterColumn column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
column CounterColumn
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_add() public method

public send_add ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, CounterColumn column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
column CounterColumn
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_atomic_batch_mutate() public method

public send_atomic_batch_mutate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
mutation_map Dictionary
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_atomic_batch_mutate() public method

public send_atomic_batch_mutate ( Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
mutation_map Dictionary
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_batch_mutate() public method

public send_batch_mutate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
mutation_map Dictionary
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_batch_mutate() public method

public send_batch_mutate ( Dictionary mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
mutation_map Dictionary
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_describe_cluster_name() public method

public send_describe_cluster_name ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_cluster_name() public method

public send_describe_cluster_name ( ) : void
return void

send_describe_keyspace() public method

public send_describe_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keyspace string
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_keyspace() public method

public send_describe_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : void
keyspace string
return void

send_describe_keyspaces() public method

public send_describe_keyspaces ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_keyspaces() public method

public send_describe_keyspaces ( ) : void
return void

send_describe_partitioner() public method

public send_describe_partitioner ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_partitioner() public method

public send_describe_partitioner ( ) : void
return void

send_describe_ring() public method

public send_describe_ring ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keyspace string
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_ring() public method

public send_describe_ring ( string keyspace ) : void
keyspace string
return void

send_describe_schema_versions() public method

public send_describe_schema_versions ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_schema_versions() public method

public send_describe_schema_versions ( ) : void
return void

send_describe_snitch() public method

public send_describe_snitch ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_snitch() public method

public send_describe_snitch ( ) : void
return void

send_describe_splits() public method

public send_describe_splits ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cfName string
start_token string
end_token string
keys_per_split int
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_splits() public method

public send_describe_splits ( string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : void
cfName string
start_token string
end_token string
keys_per_split int
return void

send_describe_splits_ex() public method

public send_describe_splits_ex ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cfName string
start_token string
end_token string
keys_per_split int
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_splits_ex() public method

public send_describe_splits_ex ( string cfName, string start_token, string end_token, int keys_per_split ) : void
cfName string
start_token string
end_token string
keys_per_split int
return void

send_describe_token_map() public method

public send_describe_token_map ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_token_map() public method

public send_describe_token_map ( ) : void
return void

send_describe_version() public method

public send_describe_version ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

send_describe_version() public method

public send_describe_version ( ) : void
return void

send_execute_cql3_query() public method

public send_execute_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
query byte
compression Compression
consistency ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_execute_cql3_query() public method

public send_execute_cql3_query ( byte query, Compression compression, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : void
query byte
compression Compression
consistency ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_execute_cql_query() public method

public send_execute_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
query byte
compression Compression
return IAsyncResult

send_execute_cql_query() public method

public send_execute_cql_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : void
query byte
compression Compression
return void

send_execute_prepared_cql3_query() public method

public send_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, int itemId, List values, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
itemId int
values List
consistency ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_execute_prepared_cql3_query() public method

public send_execute_prepared_cql3_query ( int itemId, List values, ConsistencyLevel consistency ) : void
itemId int
values List
consistency ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_execute_prepared_cql_query() public method

public send_execute_prepared_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, int itemId, List values ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
itemId int
values List
return IAsyncResult

send_execute_prepared_cql_query() public method

public send_execute_prepared_cql_query ( int itemId, List values ) : void
itemId int
values List
return void

send_get() public method

public send_get ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath column_path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_path ColumnPath
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_get() public method

public send_get ( byte key, ColumnPath column_path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
column_path ColumnPath
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_get_count() public method

public send_get_count ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_get_count() public method

public send_get_count ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_get_indexed_slices() public method

public send_get_indexed_slices ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, ColumnParent column_parent, IndexClause index_clause, SlicePredicate column_predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
column_parent ColumnParent
index_clause IndexClause
column_predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_get_indexed_slices() public method

public send_get_indexed_slices ( ColumnParent column_parent, IndexClause index_clause, SlicePredicate column_predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
column_parent ColumnParent
index_clause IndexClause
column_predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_get_paged_slice() public method

public send_get_paged_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string column_family, KeyRange range, byte start_column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
column_family string
range KeyRange
start_column byte
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_get_paged_slice() public method

public send_get_paged_slice ( string column_family, KeyRange range, byte start_column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
column_family string
range KeyRange
start_column byte
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_get_range_slices() public method

public send_get_range_slices ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, KeyRange range, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
range KeyRange
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_get_range_slices() public method

public send_get_range_slices ( ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, KeyRange range, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
range KeyRange
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_get_slice() public method

public send_get_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_get_slice() public method

public send_get_slice ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_insert() public method

public send_insert ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, Column column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
column Column
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_insert() public method

public send_insert ( byte key, ColumnParent column_parent, Column column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
column_parent ColumnParent
column Column
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_login() public method

public send_login ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, AuthenticationRequest auth_request ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
auth_request AuthenticationRequest
return IAsyncResult

send_login() public method

public send_login ( AuthenticationRequest auth_request ) : void
auth_request AuthenticationRequest
return void

send_multiget_count() public method

public send_multiget_count ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keys List
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_multiget_count() public method

public send_multiget_count ( List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
keys List
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_multiget_slice() public method

public send_multiget_slice ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keys List
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_multiget_slice() public method

public send_multiget_slice ( List keys, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
keys List
column_parent ColumnParent
predicate SlicePredicate
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_prepare_cql3_query() public method

public send_prepare_cql3_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
query byte
compression Compression
return IAsyncResult

send_prepare_cql3_query() public method

public send_prepare_cql3_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : void
query byte
compression Compression
return void

send_prepare_cql_query() public method

public send_prepare_cql_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte query, Compression compression ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
query byte
compression Compression
return IAsyncResult

send_prepare_cql_query() public method

public send_prepare_cql_query ( byte query, Compression compression ) : void
query byte
compression Compression
return void

send_remove() public method

public send_remove ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath column_path, long timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
column_path ColumnPath
timestamp long
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_remove() public method

public send_remove ( byte key, ColumnPath column_path, long timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
column_path ColumnPath
timestamp long
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_remove_counter() public method

public send_remove_counter ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, byte key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
key byte
path ColumnPath
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return IAsyncResult

send_remove_counter() public method

public send_remove_counter ( byte key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
path ColumnPath
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
return void

send_set_cql_version() public method

public send_set_cql_version ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string version ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
version string
return IAsyncResult

send_set_cql_version() public method

public send_set_cql_version ( string version ) : void
version string
return void

send_set_keyspace() public method

public send_set_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keyspace string
return IAsyncResult

send_set_keyspace() public method

public send_set_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : void
keyspace string
return void

send_system_add_column_family() public method

public send_system_add_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, CfDef cf_def ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cf_def CfDef
return IAsyncResult

send_system_add_column_family() public method

public send_system_add_column_family ( CfDef cf_def ) : void
cf_def CfDef
return void

send_system_add_keyspace() public method

public send_system_add_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, KsDef ks_def ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
ks_def KsDef
return IAsyncResult

send_system_add_keyspace() public method

public send_system_add_keyspace ( KsDef ks_def ) : void
ks_def KsDef
return void

send_system_drop_column_family() public method

public send_system_drop_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string column_family ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
column_family string
return IAsyncResult

send_system_drop_column_family() public method

public send_system_drop_column_family ( string column_family ) : void
column_family string
return void

send_system_drop_keyspace() public method

public send_system_drop_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string keyspace ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
keyspace string
return IAsyncResult

send_system_drop_keyspace() public method

public send_system_drop_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : void
keyspace string
return void

send_system_update_column_family() public method

public send_system_update_column_family ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, CfDef cf_def ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cf_def CfDef
return IAsyncResult

send_system_update_column_family() public method

public send_system_update_column_family ( CfDef cf_def ) : void
cf_def CfDef
return void

send_system_update_keyspace() public method

public send_system_update_keyspace ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, KsDef ks_def ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
ks_def KsDef
return IAsyncResult

send_system_update_keyspace() public method

public send_system_update_keyspace ( KsDef ks_def ) : void
ks_def KsDef
return void

send_trace_next_query() public method

public send_trace_next_query ( AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
return IAsyncResult

send_trace_next_query() public method

public send_trace_next_query ( ) : void
return void

send_truncate() public method

public send_truncate ( AsyncCallback callback, object state, string cfname ) : IAsyncResult
callback AsyncCallback
state object
cfname string
return IAsyncResult

send_truncate() public method

public send_truncate ( string cfname ) : void
cfname string
return void

set_cql_version() public method

@deprecated This is now a no-op. Please use the CQL3 specific methods instead.
public set_cql_version ( string version ) : void
version string
return void

set_keyspace() public method

public set_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : void
keyspace string
return void

system_add_column_family() public method

adds a column family. returns the new schema id.
public system_add_column_family ( CfDef cf_def ) : string
cf_def CfDef
return string

system_add_keyspace() public method

adds a keyspace and any column families that are part of it. returns the new schema id.
public system_add_keyspace ( KsDef ks_def ) : string
ks_def KsDef
return string

system_drop_column_family() public method

drops a column family. returns the new schema id.
public system_drop_column_family ( string column_family ) : string
column_family string
return string

system_drop_keyspace() public method

drops a keyspace and any column families that are part of it. returns the new schema id.
public system_drop_keyspace ( string keyspace ) : string
keyspace string
return string

system_update_column_family() public method

updates properties of a column family. returns the new schema id.
public system_update_column_family ( CfDef cf_def ) : string
cf_def CfDef
return string

system_update_keyspace() public method

updates properties of a keyspace. returns the new schema id.
public system_update_keyspace ( KsDef ks_def ) : string
ks_def KsDef
return string

trace_next_query() public method

Enables tracing for the next query in this connection and returns the UUID for that trace session The next query will be traced idependently of trace probability and the returned UUID can be used to query the trace keyspace
public trace_next_query ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]

truncate() public method

Truncate will mark and entire column family as deleted. From the user's perspective a successful call to truncate will result complete data deletion from cfname. Internally, however, disk space will not be immediatily released, as with all deletes in cassandra, this one only marks the data as deleted. The operation succeeds only if all hosts in the cluster at available and will throw an UnavailableException if some hosts are down.
public truncate ( string cfname ) : void
cfname string
return void

Property Details

iprot_ protected_oe property

protected TProtocol,Thrift.Protocol iprot_
return Thrift.Protocol.TProtocol

oprot_ protected_oe property

protected TProtocol,Thrift.Protocol oprot_
return Thrift.Protocol.TProtocol

seqid_ protected_oe property

protected int seqid_
return int