C# Class SourceWriter.PreviewWindowController

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Private Properties

Property Type Description
ErasePreview void
OriginalSize void
PrintDocument void
RefreshPreview void
ReleaseDesignerOutlets void
ScrollToBottom void
ScrollToTop void
ZoomIn void
ZoomOut void

Public Methods

Method Description
DisplayPreview ( string title, string text, ViewController previewController, string filePath ) : void

Displays the current PreviewController's document in the webview

PreviewWindowController ( IntPtr handle ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SourceWriter.PreviewWindowController class.

WindowDidLoad ( ) : void

Called when the window has been loaded from the Storyboard file.

Private Methods

Method Description
ErasePreview ( Foundation sender ) : void

Erases the preview and breaks the connection to the document.

OriginalSize ( Foundation sender ) : void

Returns the document preview to its original size.

PrintDocument ( NSObject sender ) : void
RefreshPreview ( Foundation sender ) : void

Refreshes the preview by asking the attached ViewController to redisplay the preview.

ReleaseDesignerOutlets ( ) : void
ScrollToBottom ( Foundation sender ) : void

Scrolls the preview document to bottom.

ScrollToTop ( Foundation sender ) : void

Scrolls the preview document to top.

ZoomIn ( Foundation sender ) : void

Zooms in on the document preview.

ZoomOut ( Foundation sender ) : void

Zooms out on the document preview.

Method Details

DisplayPreview() public method

Displays the current PreviewController's document in the webview
public DisplayPreview ( string title, string text, ViewController previewController, string filePath ) : void
title string The title of the document being displayed.
text string The formatted text to be displayed.
previewController ViewController The ViewController who's document is being displayed.
filePath string
return void

PreviewWindowController() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SourceWriter.PreviewWindowController class.
public PreviewWindowController ( IntPtr handle ) : System
handle IntPtr Handle.
return System

WindowDidLoad() public method

Called when the window has been loaded from the Storyboard file.
public WindowDidLoad ( ) : void
return void