C# Class SharpOS.AOT.IR.Instructions.Instruction

Base class for all instructions
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
def Operand
name string
use Operand[]

Public Methods

Method Description
AdjustRegisterInternalType ( InternalType type ) : InternalType

Adjusts the type of the register internal.

Dump ( DumpProcessor dumpProcessor ) : void

Dumps the instruction.

Instruction ( string name, Operand def, Operand use ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Instruction class.

LdProcess ( Method method ) : void

Lds the process.

LdfldProcess ( Method method ) : void

LDFLDs the process.

Process ( Method method ) : void

Processes the specified method.

StfldProcess ( Method method ) : void

STFLDs the process.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns a T:System.String that represents the current T:System.Object.

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetArithmeticalResultType ( Operand first, Operand second, bool add, bool sub, bool unsignedDiv, bool overflow ) : InternalType

Gets the type of the arithmetical result.

GetBitwiseResultType ( Operand first, Operand second ) : InternalType

Gets the type of the bitwise result.

Method Details

AdjustRegisterInternalType() public method

Adjusts the type of the register internal.
public AdjustRegisterInternalType ( InternalType type ) : InternalType
type InternalType The type.
return InternalType

Dump() public method

Dumps the instruction.
public Dump ( DumpProcessor dumpProcessor ) : void
dumpProcessor DumpProcessor The dump processor.
return void

GetArithmeticalResultType() protected method

Gets the type of the arithmetical result.
protected GetArithmeticalResultType ( Operand first, Operand second, bool add, bool sub, bool unsignedDiv, bool overflow ) : InternalType
first Operand The first.
second Operand The second.
add bool if set to true [add].
sub bool if set to true [sub].
unsignedDiv bool if set to true [unsigned div].
overflow bool if set to true [overflow].
return InternalType

GetBitwiseResultType() protected method

Gets the type of the bitwise result.
protected GetBitwiseResultType ( Operand first, Operand second ) : InternalType
first Operand The first.
second Operand The second.
return InternalType

Instruction() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Instruction class.
public Instruction ( string name, Operand def, Operand use ) : System
name string The name.
def Operand The def.
use Operand The use.
return System

LdProcess() public method

Lds the process.
public LdProcess ( Method method ) : void
method Method The method.
return void

LdfldProcess() public method

LDFLDs the process.
public LdfldProcess ( Method method ) : void
method Method The method.
return void

Process() public method

Processes the specified method.
public Process ( Method method ) : void
method Method The method.
return void

StfldProcess() public method

STFLDs the process.
public StfldProcess ( Method method ) : void
method Method The method.
return void

ToString() public method

Returns a T:System.String that represents the current T:System.Object.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

def protected property

protected Operand def
return Operand

name protected property

The name of the instruction
protected string name
return string

use protected property

protected Operand[] use
return Operand[]