C# Class Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.CompletionListProvider

Extensibility interface for clients who want to participate in completion inside an editor.
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Public Methods

Method Description
IsTriggerCharacter ( SourceText text, int characterPosition, OptionSet options ) : bool

Returns true if the character at the specific position in the text snapshot should trigger completion. Implementers of this will be called on the main UI thread and should only do minimal textual checks to determine if they should be presented.

ProduceCompletionListAsync ( Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.CompletionListContext context ) : Task

Implement to register the items and other details for a CompletionList

Method Details

IsTriggerCharacter() public abstract method

Returns true if the character at the specific position in the text snapshot should trigger completion. Implementers of this will be called on the main UI thread and should only do minimal textual checks to determine if they should be presented.
public abstract IsTriggerCharacter ( SourceText text, int characterPosition, OptionSet options ) : bool
text SourceText
characterPosition int
options OptionSet
return bool

ProduceCompletionListAsync() public abstract method

Implement to register the items and other details for a CompletionList
public abstract ProduceCompletionListAsync ( Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.CompletionListContext context ) : Task
context Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.CompletionListContext
return Task