C# Class DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.UserAccounts

The Users PortalModuleBase is used to manage the Registered Users of a portal
Inheritance: DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase
Show file Open project: ucdavis/caesdodnn

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
TotalPages int
TotalRecords int

Public Methods

Method Description
DisplayAddress ( object unit, object street, object city, object region, object country, object postalCode ) : string

DisplayAddress correctly formats an Address

DisplayDate ( System.DateTime userDate ) : string

DisplayDate correctly formats the Date

DisplayEmail ( string email ) : string

DisplayEmail correctly formats an Email Address

UserAccounts ( ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
FilterURL ( string filter, string currentPage ) : string

FilterURL correctly formats the Url for filter by first letter and paging

FormatURL ( string strKeyName, string strKeyValue ) : string

FormatURL correctly formats the Url for the Edit User Link

OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void

Page_Init runs when the control is initialised

OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void

Page_Load runs when the control is loaded

UserFilter ( bool newFilter ) : string

Private Methods

Method Description
AddSearchItem ( string name ) : System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem
BindData ( string searchText, string searchField ) : void

BindData gets the users from the Database and binds them to the DataGrid

CreateLetterSearch ( ) : void

Builds the letter filter

DeleteUnAuthorizedUsers ( ) : void

Deletes all unauthorized users

IsCommandAllowed ( DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo user, string command ) : bool
IsPortalAdministrator ( int userId ) : bool
ModuleAction_Click ( object sender, DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.Actions.ActionEventArgs e ) : void

ModuleAction_Click handles all ModuleAction events raised from the skin

OnSearchClick ( Object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

btnSearch_Click runs when the user searches for accounts by username or email

RemoveDeletedUsers ( ) : void
grdUsers_DeleteCommand ( object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e ) : void

grdUsers_DeleteCommand runs when the icon in the delete column is clicked

grdUsers_ItemCommand ( object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e ) : void
grdUsers_ItemDataBound ( object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e ) : void

grdUsers_ItemDataBound runs when a row in the grid is bound

grdUsers_RemoveCommand ( object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e ) : void
grdUsers_RestoreCommand ( object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

DisplayAddress() public method

DisplayAddress correctly formats an Address
public DisplayAddress ( object unit, object street, object city, object region, object country, object postalCode ) : string
unit object
street object
city object
region object
country object
postalCode object
return string

DisplayDate() public method

DisplayDate correctly formats the Date
public DisplayDate ( System.DateTime userDate ) : string
userDate System.DateTime
return string

DisplayEmail() public method

DisplayEmail correctly formats an Email Address
public DisplayEmail ( string email ) : string
email string
return string

FilterURL() protected method

FilterURL correctly formats the Url for filter by first letter and paging
protected FilterURL ( string filter, string currentPage ) : string
filter string
currentPage string
return string

FormatURL() protected method

FormatURL correctly formats the Url for the Edit User Link
protected FormatURL ( string strKeyName, string strKeyValue ) : string
strKeyName string
strKeyValue string
return string

OnInit() protected method

Page_Init runs when the control is initialised
protected OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
return void

OnLoad() protected method

Page_Load runs when the control is loaded
protected OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
return void

UserAccounts() public method

public UserAccounts ( ) : System
return System

UserFilter() protected method

protected UserFilter ( bool newFilter ) : string
newFilter bool
return string

Property Details

TotalPages protected property

protected int TotalPages
return int

TotalRecords protected property

protected int TotalRecords
return int