C# Class Amazon.ElasticMapReduce.Model.InstanceGroupConfig

Configuration defining a new instance group.

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Public Methods

Method Description
InstanceGroupConfig ( ) : System

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available

InstanceGroupConfig ( InstanceRoleType instanceRole, string instanceType, int instanceCount ) : System

Instantiates InstanceGroupConfig with the parameterized properties

Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetAutoScalingPolicy ( ) : bool
IsSetBidPrice ( ) : bool
IsSetConfigurations ( ) : bool
IsSetEbsConfiguration ( ) : bool
IsSetInstanceCount ( ) : bool
IsSetInstanceRole ( ) : bool
IsSetInstanceType ( ) : bool
IsSetMarket ( ) : bool
IsSetName ( ) : bool

Method Details

InstanceGroupConfig() public method

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available
public InstanceGroupConfig ( ) : System
return System

InstanceGroupConfig() public method

Instantiates InstanceGroupConfig with the parameterized properties
public InstanceGroupConfig ( InstanceRoleType instanceRole, string instanceType, int instanceCount ) : System
instanceRole InstanceRoleType The role of the instance group in the cluster.
instanceType string The EC2 instance type for all instances in the instance group.
instanceCount int Target number of instances for the instance group.
return System