C# Class ABB.Swum.AbbreviationExpander

Expands abbreviations found within programs to their long forms.
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Public Methods

Method Description
Expand ( string shortForm, System.Xml.Linq.XElement methodXml, string methodComment, string classComment ) : string[]

Expands the given abbreviation (short form) to its long form. Potential long forms are found by searching the program texts relevent to the short form.

Private Methods

Method Description
ExpandToMultipleWords ( string shortForm, MultiWordPattern pattern, System.Xml.Linq.XElement methodXml, string methodComment, string classComment ) : string[]
ExpandToSingleWord ( string shortForm, SingleWordPattern pattern, System.Xml.Linq.XElement methodXml, string methodComment, string classComment ) : string[]

Method Details

Expand() public method

Expands the given abbreviation (short form) to its long form. Potential long forms are found by searching the program texts relevent to the short form.
public Expand ( string shortForm, System.Xml.Linq.XElement methodXml, string methodComment, string classComment ) : string[]
shortForm string The abbreviation to expand.
methodXml System.Xml.Linq.XElement An XElement corresponding to the srcML of the method where the shortForm is located.
methodComment string The summary comments for the method where the short form is located.
classComment string The summary comments for the class that the short form is located within.
return string[]